"Why is it illegal? Animals are property. Gov't and their laws meddling with private property. We don't need gov't oversight or anyone to go to jail over this... capitalism will take care of the problem, people will just quit buying dairy from Conklin's, right?" JRMMiii Well, kind of. No, I don't want the government watching over us. But when a law is broken, I want the government to take action. The sadistic d-bag should go to jail. If the owner had knowledge of it, he should be punished AND "we, the people" shouldn't buy milk from them... hence shutting down the business. If the owner didn't have knowledge.... I mean REALLY didn't have knowledge, then it is up to him/her to make it right. If I owned it, I would have a large animal vet examin all animals, re-screen all employees, set up surveilance, and invite the USDA /whoever to periodic inspections. Dick-wads end up in every profession. Just think, this guy could have been your next moving violation.