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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Pretty sweet, Adam. I like the retention loop on that.
  2. Read the article. The piece is about how he purchased the bike as a therapeutic intervention. It is the key point if the article. This forum is very pro-veteran.
  3. Agree. Your dog will feel vastly better immediately. Ear infections will resolve, dandruff will resolve, shedding will improve, and shit will be normal and solid.
  4. C-bus

    Good News thread:

    Right up the nose!
  5. 1) better food.... Get the stuff without corn. Dogs aren't meant to eat corn. Kroger and meijer carry some Rachel Ray stuff or go to a pet store. 2) furminator
  6. C-bus

    Good News thread:

    My daughter and I earned our open water cert last weekend too! Love it.
  7. Definitely.... The cheeks are phenomenal. Like the best scallops you've ever eaten.
  8. Double.... Too much to drink
  9. Freshwater. Walleye is up there too. Catch a bucket of bluegill, cut them up and pan fry them. You will thank me. They're almost sweet tasting.... Like butter.
  10. IMO.... Best fish to eat are Perch, bluegill, crappie, rainbows... Perch the clear winner. The other three can be debated as to in which order they rank.
  11. Live bait, bobber, hooks, weights, swivels.... Can't go wrong. I hate lures.
  12. I've always liked the Wide Glide. GLWS!
  13. The BG.380 is an accurate, shootable little gun.
  14. And there's still buttsex, albeit white buttsex.
  15. Rode to work today..... To Indy. Floorboards were put on Earth by the baby Jesus himself.
  16. They won't have to lower the urinals like they do for JuneTeenth.
  17. All straight white guys? Hmmm.... Doesn't sound like much fun. Black people have better music and, let's be honest.... have the dance moves. Gay dudes usually bring a level of entertainment not typical of the rest of us. Chicks.... Chicks are nice to have too. I don't think I'll go.
  18. I miss my '09 FZ6 every day. I love the bagger, but I miss that speed and agility.
  19. When the bandana keeps falling over your eyes?
  20. . The dealer is likely going to give him $1300 on trade. I'd offer $1500. Looks like a good. Bike.
  21. Hard cases now, but I had some saddle bags on the sport bike. I'd bring shoes and sport coat/suit coat in one bag and a ziplock with a wet washcloth and another with a dry towel in the other. When I landed at the office, I'd change shoes, throw in the jacket, wet my hair, dry my hair, brush my hair, put on my lipst......, and head in. No one really would know that I rode. Now I go from airport to airport hoping for my plane to crash.
  22. Funny stuff in this thread. Calling one's self a Juggalo is gay. Never even heard of it before this thread. That being said, CSC is right.... Deadheads/Parrot Heads/Phish people (idk what they go by) put that logo shit all over. I wonder how many Vanigans have been pulled over for the dancing bears.... You know there's some kind bud on board. Juggalo..... Lol... Who comes up with this shit? Are there other gay-ass follower names out there? Snoop-doggolos? Bel Biv Devotees? Marky Mark and the fun fresh followers? Whamsters?
  23. There tend to be some pretty great bikes there. Old Nortons, BSA, Triumphs. I enjoy a tour through there a couple times per summer. Haven't made it yet in 2014 though.
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