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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I have two five gallon gas cans purchased new about five years ago. I used them to take to my boat so I didn't pay gas-dock prices. They held 2-cycle mixed gas. If I made sure they were empty, didn't clean them, and then filled with unleaded, would it screw anything up in a four cycle ATV? Assuming there is going to be some residual in the tank. If it would, how does one clean a gas can? Or do I spend the $$$ and just buy new ones.
  2. I'm pretty sure they posted the "Wanted: Mayor.... Apply for ballot here" signs in the white-only bathrooms.
  3. Not seeing any emergency vehicles on scene.... I'm thinking it is. Can't blow it up clearly on the IPad.
  4. King Quad 400 vs Grizzly 450? The Suzuki + plow is same price as Yamaha. Thoughts? The KQ is a leftover 13, so I'll likely have more haggle room. I still kinda like the Grizzly more. Is the foot shifter (KQ) a PITA with heavy snow boots? The Grizzly is automatic.
  5. Got to use one of my favorite movie lines last night. My 8 year-old was impressed. Jehovah's Whitness approaches us while on porch swing. "Sell crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here".
  6. I knew a guy who pussed out at 120 on his FZ6. I hear there was plenty of room for more. I would wet myself (allegedly) at 180.
  7. Either he's a piece of shit or she's a piece of shit.
  8. I think I heard a report that only the Barry Manilow CDs remained.
  9. Friend of mind took his BNIB Norinco out if the box.... First shot ever... Blew nearly every attached piece to the floor. Not violently like an explosion. It literally just disintegrated in his hands. But yes, for what he's going to have it for.
  10. C-bus

    Skully Helmet

    I ride to escape those things. But it's pretty cool.
  11. Suspected suicide. Tragic. One of the greatest actors/comedians of our time.
  12. Those were protests, not riots. Steeling stuff symbolizes centuries of hurt and oppression. He was a good boy....didn't never hurt nobody.
  13. Skills test and rudimentary inspection of the bike. It was not difficult, although several in the group did not pass that morning.
  14. Or he's trying to track his Road King..... For the price, a Maverick will do the job.
  15. Hot-head dumb fuck walks into the middle of the track. Bad decision ends badly.
  16. Update... So I'm still tossing this around. What are the thoughts around a Grizzly 450? Enough power to plow? Reliable? Is the power steering a must? There isn't too much out there in <$7000 MSRP land that fits the bill like the Grizxly. I'm very open to suggestions.
  17. +1 Blanton's.... I have a drawer full of the pewter horses.
  18. Fantastic! I really am enjoying seeing Rossi racing as a true contender again.
  19. Miatas are cool now? Fuck you Glee!
  20. The new format sucks. It's too hard to navigate. Cancel my account. Just thought I might as well start the bitching and moaning now.
  21. That mileage seems high for those of us in Ohio, but it's nothing on a bike like that. It appears to have been well-maintained.
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