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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I guess I'll add this caveat to my previous post.... Make billions from the production and sale, not fleecing of the taxpayers.....as that has already been done.
  2. So quit crying about what smart oil people did and find a way to make billions from alternative energy.
  3. I love wind power. Some entrepreneur should find a way to be profitable while providing power from it at a cost less than fossil fuel energy.
  4. Meaning nature is nature. Didn't cause it, can't stop it, shouldn't want to.
  5. As pokey said.... The climate is changing just like it has since this rock first started spinning. The question is whether we are causing it and how much asinine regulation needs to be put into place to battle the inevitable.
  6. . My wife (a former Columbus city school special ED teacher) and I were just discussing this.... How does a kid grow up not falling into the same patterns? I grew up thinking there were 17 grades of school including kindergarten. College was just part of the expectation. When three generations live off of the government check, how does one know there is something else out there? We've made it so acceptable, there's no shame and therefore nothing flagging these kids that "hey, this isn't right". Government cheese.... We have to make poverty uncomfortable enough to want to escape.
  7. . Be careful not to group me too much. I'm a fiscally conservative, atheist, Jew, with as many gay friends as straight. Not tea party, but I like their fiscal thinking.
  8. I actually wrote the last administration in Ohio offering up a plan. Very simple actually... Public assistance gives you a debit card. The cards can only be used for certain items at the store, certain clothing items at second hand stores, and a pre- determined amount of public transportation. Zero waste in junk food and no cash disbursements. You want cash? Get a job. It's not glamorous, but one can survive until they get a job.
  9. Very true. When you punish the offenders, the innocent kids suffer.
  10. Victims of abuse. Mama smokes instead of providing food for the kids.... abuse. Ma pays for a cell plan instead of putting food in the mouths of children...abuse. I'll gladly feed them after mama has exhausted all her options.
  11. Show me a starving person in America who is not a victim of abuse. We've got the fattest, highest-tech, most tattooed, junk-food eating starving people in the world. Spend that trillion on government cheese, milk, eggs, quality meat, and fresh produce and I'll support with all my heart. Send these worthless fucks a check? I'm out.
  12. Those evil people and their ability to make money. Damn them all to fake hell!!!!
  13. We can hope. People didn't cause it, people can't fix it. Need less people. Create bacterial please.
  14. C-bus

    2007 BMW 650i

    I haven't done my internets research, but I'm guessing $65-$85K depending on configuration for a 2014. This is a steal for a top-of-the line machine. It's a BMW.... Age means very little. If I didn't have to schlep 3 kids, I would be driving this right now. My wife's x3 is the best car purchase we've made.
  15. C-bus

    2007 BMW 650i

    You would not find this price at the dealership.
  16. Right wing conservatives hate Catholics as much as Jews. Catholics typically vote dem unless abortion rights are a key personal issue. Who are catholic? Mexicans....Italians....Irish...-all dem
  17. It was only my 2nd time shooting skeet. I think I did better my first time out than I should have.
  18. Trap first. Averaged 22 over four rounds. Shot another six rounds of skeet and couldn't break 15 in a round.
  19. I have nearly 1000 people who would say that they report to me ultimately. Why would you hold me accountable for what one of them did on their own time? If you called me and told me that someone did something like that, I'd listen and turn on my radar, but there isn't anything I could or would do about it other than maybe say "hey, people connect you to me....".
  20. Less than their previous BMW and I'm sure less than a similarly equipped Harley. Also, much, much cooler. And faster. And chicks dig them.
  21. Was a bit lackluster on the skeet field today. Couldn't find my rhythm. Trap was great....skeet...not-so- much.
  22. The founders of this country said we could/should..... They put it into law with a process established which can change that law if desired. Go for it.
  23. I once knew of a guy who stood up and flapped his arms like a chicken. It was a cool story.
  24. Let's hope it's a fault line and we're moments from losing the whole region.
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