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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Never on the bike, but I had to put my G26 in a guy's face about five years ago. He saw me coming out of crack-Kroger with some beer and stated following me to my truck yelling "give me some fucking beer". As I opened my door, I discretely drew. He pulled open my door as I shut it and got a face full of Glock. Put his hands up and said "you have a good day, sir". No force used. I've had a few other instances where an aggressive panhandler saw my firearm and backed off, but nothing as close to shooting someone as this. This one was an attempted robbery any way you slice it.
  2. C-bus

    Garage security

    Those radio shack alarms will do the trick. As stated, loud as shit.
  3. C-bus

    WTB: Used SUV

    My wife gets low 20s in the X3. I was getting 19-22 in the MDX before I sold it.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if IP gage you $3k on trade for a new Victory if that's where you're headed.
  5. Damnit.... That was right there in front of me. I'm not as quick when I'm leading a meeting and surfing OR at the same time.
  6. I have three kids and have never needed to use my smoke alarms before. Maybe I should toss them out?
  7. You just gots to slock dat ho in her sleep.
  8. ???? I'm in IP pretty regularly and the only guy I've ever seen OC there was in a sport bike, and is a pretty cool guy on here. That was an odd comment.
  9. Same way I carry everywhere else. IWB kidney.
  10. I like being "that guy". I enjoy eating alone. I like the layout of Baltimore and Midway. Always get stuck in Atlanta. Love Legal Seafood in Logan. Dallas sucks. Always delayed in Dallas too.
  11. I'm in healthcare with coverage east of the Mississippi.
  12. I fly nearly every week... Many weeks to several locations. It's not fun. In the last 45 days, I've been to Boston x2, Norfolk, Dallas, Louisville x2, Chicago x 2, Indy, all over Ohio. This week... Miami, and then to Norfolk again. My daughter is now like.... "Were you gone this week?" The kids missing me hurts, but getting so used to it that it doesn't phase them hurts more. Dr. Phill, where are you!!!!???
  13. Goldwing riders are huge douches too. Those gay ass helmets with the microphone things hanging in front of their faces. Oh, and ADV riders.... Really? Have you ever taken it in the dirt? Gay. BMW.... Nice day-glow. And Cafe racers.... They weren't even cool when they meant something.
  14. Absolutely! My kids are comfortable around guns. They don't even glance at them anymore. They've shot them, handled them, field stripped some, and I believe they would not mess with one found unattended. But, I'm not going to test that theory. I used to be a kid and I always knew where my dad's secret stashes were. And I did screw with his guns.
  15. I get really screwed up with my outlook calendar appointments and flights. I accept an appointment for 10:00, but then it's really 11:00, but I accepted another for 11:00, but my flight leaves at noon, but is it really noon or did I accept that flight while in Dallas?
  16. You should ask the guy to have it notarized before you meet. No need for both to be there. Not sure why he wants a bill of sale..... He has money....you have bike and notarized title. Who would ever want to see a bill of sale? His wife?
  17. If I was going that speed, I earned it. I generally don't have a lead foot, but Chestee is 3 lanes in both directions and moved like a 45-50 zone. Of course it was nearly three months ago, so how do I even contest it.
  18. Yep.... Fucking Chester on my way to a meeting at Cleveland Clinic.
  19. Speed cameras? WTF? I just got a lovely letter in the mail with a picture of my vehicle going through a green light at 48 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. Did I miss something? I had no clue that these even existed. It was dated April 4th in Downtown Cleveland. $100. One step closer to that mountain cabin to write my manifesto.
  20. C-bus

    wait, what?!?

    I don't think a non-violent regime can ever properly manage that region. I certainly don't have the answer.
  21. You all make me hate my job. This is a very cool trip. I will join one eventually.
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