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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Me an summ frenz are putting together a glock club. We have patches and presidents and shared wifes.
  2. I have a few of those same friends from college. Lazy-ass pot-heads making risky decisions and landing squarely on top. Bastards. I don't have that entrepreneurial lust. I'm the guy who does what he's told and hopes to last. To the op.... That sucks, but paying your dues is a part if climbing any organization.
  3. A little lunch hour range therapy. 150 down the carry gun turns the day in the right direction.
  4. Kawi's too? Congratulations!
  5. Picked up a beautiful goose gun this week. Ithaca Mag 10. Came with 300 rounds of assorted 10 gauge ammo as well.
  6. I'll be there. Maybe not the full route, but I'll be there.
  7. A round of sporting clays, 3 pheasants, and a chukar. A good week.
  8. Congratulations!!!!! You two will be great parents.
  9. Old guy talking to my daughter certainly isn't the issue. Repeatedly sitting and watching children and then engaging them is one step away from dragging away in the van, IMO.
  10. I'm open to anything, but the cruiser guys will need to liquor up somewhere .
  11. Hocking has some great scenery. Looking very much forward to this. Lunch at Millstone?
  12. Digging up my old thread to post: I'm looking to trade 300 rounds of .40 for 300 rounds of .45ACP. No steel, must be jacketed or plated.
  13. Good deal. MecGar are solid magazines and the OEM mags for many quality guns out there.
  14. We can certainly start one. I'm in.
  15. Dear Gander Mountain, When your fiscal year closes and the suits are sitting around the table scratching their heads. Please remember this one simple fragment of a sentence..... "$700 Glocks". Thank you.
  16. I would not do it if paying off credit cards. It's who do this will quickly have credit cards and loan debt.
  17. I was just being snarky. Although I love my victory, I don't really think it's better or worse.... Just my preference.
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