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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. We got crap-loads of broccoli last year. The kids picked it nearly every night. Spinach, kale, romain, peas, beans.... We have three blackberry bushes beside the house that produce all summer.
  2. Leave baby Jesus out of this!
  3. I lifted this from another forum. http://www.iowastatedaily.com/opinion/article_1c144792-b36d-11e2-8ac6-001a4bcf887a.html It's long, but very well-written.
  4. I think you can get them at TRactor Supply too.
  5. We used to sail over there as a kid and it was very nice. Low-keyed, relaxed. Went back 25 years later and holy shit! Meat-heads and whores. I'm almost forty. People to look at me and see a guy that wants to fight, but just 2 years ago, some dick-bag was trying to start shit with me there. Not at all a good time any more. Kelley's is much more my speed now.
  6. Ok..... Or some kid who can change the oil.
  7. Loaded guns have no place around kids, outside the control of an adult. They just don't. Don't need to legislate it, just need to heed it. Train, educate, scare, threaten, whatever you want, but you don't trust a five year old. Condolences to the family. Wouldn't wish it on any one.
  8. I don't know.... Some people don't have mechanical aptitude. There's nothing wrong with that. To me... If I've invested $10K or so in a bike, I don't mind paying to have a professional make sure everything is tight and good to go after break-in. I just started changing my own oil last year, but I still took my new bike to IP for the break in service. We all have strengths, weaknesses, comfort levels, and different desires.
  9. I'm pretty sure GE Capital did a couple 6 months/same-as-cash deals at Vance's for me back in the day (when I had more credit than sense).
  10. Lol.... Was agreeing, not correcting.
  11. I'm out now. Three kids, three games (son made his tournament), so we need at least two parents.
  12. I can be an online smart-ass without HR intervention.
  13. I'm out. Son made his tournament. Kids+wives= put your hobbies off. Enjoy the ride and keep the rubber side down!
  14. C-bus

    Pocket guns

    I've put a couple thousand rounds through mine. Once you get a feel for when the intentionally long trigger pull breaks, you will find it extremely accurate and controllable. I have the 642, but I have no doubt that the 638 would perform as well.
  15. The best ones grow in ziplock sammich bags. I think.
  16. Welcome to the site. Nice to see the development of your punctuational skills.
  17. C-bus

    Pocket guns

    I see some revolver posts.... So I'll throw in my 1.85$..... Shrouded hammer smiths are the way to go. My 642 sees more hip-time/pocket time than any other gun that I've owned. Needless to say, we're not talking about a dozen or 2. Easy to shoot, fool-proof, and very concealable. I often just drop it in my front pocket and away, I go. I hang left.
  18. C-bus

    Pocket guns

    +1 The Bodyguard has been 100% reliable, surprisingly accurate and easy to shoot. I just can't love any of the pocket 9s right now.
  19. "Pay for my shit and I'll tell you something really really important later" as per usual.
  20. I asked them not to call me and they don't. They get my check and my support.
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