On a mission tomorrow. Had a little luck at the blackjack table Tuesday, so I'm going pawn shopping for an older smith 36. I've got an itch that needs to be scratched.
Good grab! As Blosser said, practice squeezing the trigger while aiming at a point (safe direction). Try to keep it from moving side to side, up/down. Not only will it help your accuracy, but it will loosen up that stiff trigger.
I dry fire the piss out of my 642. If you get the lcr .38, I encourage you to do so also (do get some snap caps if you can). Congratulations for making the turn towards responsible gun ownership.
Freedom has its costs. A free society is not necessarily a safe society. We cannot stop mass shootings from happening just as we cannot stop rapes and murders. We can do our best to prepare for them, maybe even mitigate them through personal defense. Trusting the government with gun ownership records is a mistake. I simply understand and acknowledge that any guns that I have purchased through an FFL are presumed to be in my possession and one day, I will have to prove otherwise.