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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012312300033&nclick_check=1 Awesome.
  2. http://www.seraphicpress.com/jew-without-a-gun/?wpmp_tp=1 Stolen from another forum, but a great read.
  3. Grandma should still be able to defend herself, even if she can't qualify at a range. You're picturing mall ninjas, bent on stopping trenchcoat mafia style massacres.... I think training is necessary and important, but not mandatory to exercise freedom.
  4. Good catch. Takes the time pressure off and I can just let the new law take effect.
  5. It's my 2nd renewal. After a little research, our course last year that several of us took (you too) may suffice. Otherwise, it looks like I can have someone with the appropriate certification join me at the range and certify my range competency. Looks pretty easy. Mojoe.... Want to earn a few bucks and go shoot with me in the next few weeks?
  6. So now I have to figure out my next move. My license is up April 4 (I was one of the first in Ohio). Do I take training now and get it done? Or do I wait until the new updates go in to action which happens to be 2 weeks before expiration, while I'm out of state on vacation.... Essentially leaving me one week?
  7. 100 rounds. Not as hard as I thought it would be. The Lee Turret press is about $100, and then the other stuff adds up. About $500 in it with powders, primers, manuals, brass, and bullets. Read the ABCs of Reloading. You can skip over much of it.
  8. My first attempt at Reloading tonight. .38 spl... 158gr plated HP over 3.1gr of Bullseye. Lost a few primers, but no real hang-ups. I'll shoot the first few lefty just in case though. I'm pretty excited about this.
  9. Correct. You will feel it immediately upon expiration of the Bush tax cuts. This is significant cash.
  10. Thanks for supporting Dale.
  11. Unfortunately, tyranny happens slowly and methodically. If Hitler woke up one morning and said "go kill all the Jews", they would have defended themselves. First they restricts with "common sense" restrictions, then bans, then registration, then confiscation..... At what point do the oath keepers decide to "activate"? If confiscation happened tomorrow, there would be blood in the streets. Our current reality is the former, however. Slow.... Methodical.... Until we wake up one day in socialist/communist Amerika. Call me tin-foilhat paranoid. I assure you that I am not.
  12. If all checks out and is true, I agree. This man served time for bashing his grandmith's head in with a hammer. Edit: WTF is a "grandmith" and why would my phone correct to it? You know what I meant.
  13. Damn quoter..... To the stockades I go.
  14. Bloomfuck bans large cokes, but keeps speeding trains unguarded by railings? I'll laugh when they screw up the whole public transport system with lines and gates. First Sandy, now this..... God hates pretentious New Yorkers.
  15. Chemical reaction.... KY + Prep H.
  16. Now is not the time to calm down. NOW is the time to get pissed off and act on it.
  17. C-bus


    Teasing, of course. I would enjoy a few group rides this year.
  18. C-bus


    I'm in. Which bars?
  19. All of the hotties were up the road at Miami with me. Of course none if them were actually "with" me, but I got to look at them.
  20. I took my leadership staff there for two nights that second week of December. Beautiful! Deer all over.... Rolling hills.... High end restaurant as well as a sports bar all contained. Upgrade to the nicer rooms. Should be about $200/night, but they have fireplaces and nice amenities. Bar is open late too. It's also about 10 minutes from the big Cabelas.
  21. No, no, and no. Obviously, like any negotiation.... Starts out with the door in your face and moderates as we come to the middle. Our position must be as extreme. "No new restrictive legislation, in fact.... Repeal NFA."
  22. I'm not sure anyone is suggesting all of that, but the media is known to latch on to the tidbits that move their agenda while ignoring those that don't.
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