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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. +1 One of the teachers at my kids' school is a young ex-military guy. Train him further and allow a CHL. May turn 28 dead into 5. Crazy people will always find a way to do evil. Our job is to mitigate the end result.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwH__x6jV6A&feature=youtube_gdata_player I'm out.
  3. Will the oath keepers keep their oaths or will they allow the 2nd to gradually erode? We know that answer.
  4. Thank you, Governor Kasich. It would have been easy to puss-out.
  5. C-bus

    AR-15 or?

    I like jokes and all, but I'm not sure I thought that one through.
  6. C-bus

    AR-15 or?

    Title says it all.
  7. Just sold my last one this week. I only have one non-really-dangerous CCW left. Society is safe again.
  8. Glocks shoot better from the middle of the top part of your finger... Half way between end of nail and first knuckle.
  9. Dear Homewood Suites, Thank you for my spacious home away from home. And free beer.
  10. +1 Personally, I would unload it.... Check it again to make sure it was unloaded and dry-fire it while repeating "why......don't......triggers.......feel......like......this........any......more" with each pull.
  11. I would not shoot 9mm through it......... Until after you have his money in hand.
  12. I'll pay $5 more than Blosser. But seriously, if you sell and he passes.... Let's talk. I love old-school snubbies.
  13. Switzerland has always impressed.
  14. For a gun that I didn't like to hold, I shot it very well. I highly recommend. On the other hand, I shot a friend's XD9sc (ugly little bastard) and it was very accurate and comfortable.
  15. I had decent gun control on my lunch today. Sent 150 downrange through the Sig. Ahhhh.... Therapy.
  16. As a society, what is to become of today's misdiagnosed, over-medicated kids when they turn 18 and decide to stop meds?
  17. PM midgettodd and see if he can make a drive to Columbus worth your while.
  18. My daughter is interested, and mine has long- since lapsed. I may do this depending on schedule.
  19. I'm going to pay an extra dollar for CCI blazer brass for my shooting stash from now on. Buying the unprimed brass retail is ridiculous. I can practically buy entire rounds for what brass costs... At cabelas.
  20. I'm dipping my toe into reloading.... My co-workers gave me a great gift card to Cabelas, so I thought that I'd learn a few things about reloading before I jump into a nicer Dillon setup. Ordered a Lee Turret and all of the accessories tonight. I'm going to start with .38 special for a few reasons... #1- harder to screw up a straight-walled revolver round, #2- I have brass, #3- I don't think I can reload 9mm for less than I can buy it for right now. I'll update as I start producing. I know Lee isn't exactly the Mercedes of reloading, but I was able to get everything I need without spending a dime of my own money... including carbide dies, powder, bullets, primers, scales, brass (needed a few more), tumbler, Lyman Manual, etc.... Can't wait!
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