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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Droid for personal and IPhone for work. I love my IPhone far more. Email is more organized, spell correct is more logical, search is faster.
  2. I'm done with all of these shady, egotistical, fuck-os.
  3. Nope.... Northwest Ohio. Near Woodville, Elmore, etc... Welcome to OR! Former Fremonter and we get to Jan Pugh at least once a year. Great little town.
  4. I do. I don't answer my door with a gun at 2:00PM. I do at 2:00AM.
  5. Because by 2:00 AM the mailman has clocked out, the Mormons are in bed, the unfortunates selling candy bars and magazines are slinging crack, and my friends fear my wife. Who's left to knock at 2:00?
  6. A warrant with someone else's name and address does not make for a legal search of your property. Don't confuse my statements as condoning what happened. I do understand how it could happen, though.
  7. I meant that there is no reason for someone who isn't intending to harm me to be at my door at 2:00AM. They need gas, go to the gas station.... they need money for gas, go to the ATM....... need food, go to Kroger. I was making the comparison to someone living in the boonies who might have a stranger knocking for benevolent reasons. I wasn't clear though. Edit: this is what happens when I get sidetracked between typing a response and submitting said response....lol
  8. I live 2 miles from a police station, a block from a Speedway, across the street from a PNC ATM, and 2 blocks from a Kroger. Anything a stranger wants from me at 2:00 AM isn't going to go well for him. As for the story.... tragic. I wonder what would happen to the homeowners had the cops been shot.... illegal search and all.
  9. I prefer Asians who act like Mexitalians.
  10. Anyone on here ever had an engine fail because they broke it in wrong?
  11. You are knowledgeable about most knowledge. Thank you.
  12. People drive like idiots in this heat. Although, it seems that both of these are the motorcyclists' faults.
  13. Absolutely! Actually, 800 of it was in the last 3 days.
  14. I see nothing wrong with third-world dictatorships driving US policy....
  15. A few observations from my first month and first 1500 miles (I was on vacation for 10 days of it, so no riding): 1) Part of my thought-process with purchasing a cruiser is that it will slow me down... too much 80+ MPH is asking for a ticket. I mean really, who wants to go fast on an 800 pound pig.... I'll just set the cruise control on 71 and lumber on down the freeway. Reality... I set the cruise at 82. 2) Floor boards are a gift from Jebus himself. Being able to move your feet up and down that long floor board on a 150 mile freeway ride is good stuff. Don't feel the need to stretch at a rest stop. 3) The hardcases are very well made with great hinges.... I accidentally didn't shut one the other day, coming back from Cleveland... going 82.... Anyone seen my blue tie with sailboats on it? Should be around the Medina Exit somewhere. Cases are fine though and that's quite a bit of wind pressure on those hinges. 4) Ground Clearance is fine. No, I'm not Rossi.... but I've been trying my best to test where I would scrape and have yet to scrape anything. 5) Chicks dig it. 6) Mileage is about what I thought it would be. At 80 MPH... I have been consistent with 40 MPG. Slower cruising, I've gotten 45-49 pretty regularly. 7) More bike = more dead bugs. Keeping it clean is a job. 8) I really like cruise control. Most of my riding is commuting. Being able to drop the right hand for a while is nice. All in all, I'm really very pleased with the purchase. I'm sure I'll be on something a little sportier next summer as a play-around bike, but if I had to do it all over, I'd trade the FZ6 again.
  16. Weekends are like giant frat parties full of meat-heads looking for fights and drunken hotties looking for meat-heads. Since I'm no longer the former and the latter isn't in the cards, Kelly's is more my speed these days. Gotta admit though, there were a few bars on PIB that were surprised when I actually turned 21 since I had turned 21 about 4 years earlier.
  17. Will the US be asked to sign a small arms treaty in July? Yes. The rest is spin, dribble, and fear-mongering, but the issue is presenting and a response will be needed.
  18. The ratification angle is the safe move. The smart move would be to come up with a statement about how we respect our constitution and won't allow foreign entities to dictate our rights. He might even pull in some socially liberal gun-toters. Most of us aren't particularly impressed with Romney. Disclaimer.... socially liberal? Yes. Fiscally conservative? Even more yes, so he could resurrect James Madison and Heston and place them on his cabinet and I still wouldn't vote for him. IMO
  19. This could decide Obama's election fate. He could gain some conservative support or lose a great deal of liberal support..... read: blue collar union support. However, baby blue is easier to pick up on the scope.
  20. Congratulations! I've read nothing but great things about them.
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