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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Early morning lap dances are also good.
  2. I've been known to enjoy an early morning lap. You take it where you can get it.
  3. Godspeed Dominic Santini!
  4. Shoulder pad only absorbs 74% of the recoil. I'm out
  5. Agreed! Beautiful bikes. Like this one : http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/3086476833.html Not mine, of course.
  6. I just bought my FZ6 when Honda decided to clearance all of the Red White and Blue 2007s (I think). Missed that boat.
  7. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=94408
  8. Snowville FTW! We drink it exclusively at our house.
  9. He used to play Miami when I was there. Great entertainer.
  10. The fact that he's on suicide watch only after being convicted speaks volumes. No regret for what he's done, only that he was caught. Fuck him....... many times.
  11. I don't really know vvvpr's position on stuff, but I oppose it now. Dipshit.
  12. I think the versys is your best commuter option. Upright, windscreen, good MPG.
  13. Should have made them with a belt to keep dem pants up.
  14. The Reginald Denny video is what convinced me to carry at all times. Outcome would probably have been the same or worse, but I'd have taken a few of those animals with me.
  15. That was funny at first, but when it really sinks in it is really funny. Bless his heart.
  16. I heard Zimmerman did it.
  17. C-bus

    Fuel Economy

    Hyper-miling? What's that?
  18. Why don't we just let Lorenzo, Pedrosa, and Stoner race by themselves each week? I'm beginning to find MotoGP redundant. Disclaimer.... never been on a track before... Just an armchair quarterback.
  19. C-bus

    Get Drunk HERE!

    Also wonder when the last get drunk here post was also yours.
  20. C-bus

    Get Drunk HERE!

    When your bar bill is $80 and the 2 guys you're with have $30 each, you start to wonder.
  21. I've HAD cottonmouth on more than one occasion in Ohio.
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