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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I guess we civilians are relegated to whatever is on TV.
  2. C-bus

    Mad at NRA

    They get my money to stand for one thing. They are not the Tea Party, they are not the ACLU, they are not the Teamsters..... if you signed up for the free hat, we've already lost.
  3. Saturday the 17th at 1:30-5:30 on Speed Channel.
  4. When you have eyes and ears on and the lead is sailing down range, it's easy to ignore the assholes. I've never shot there because it really isn't convenient to me, but I've heard good things.
  5. C-bus

    Ammo special

    Think I fixed It.
  6. C-bus

    Ammo special

    Me too. [ATTACH]2915[/ATTACH]
  7. Crap! We're out of state, but I would have been there for sure. Next time
  8. I love cheap ammo. It's all I shoot, but I'll never buy Remington UMC green box again. In one case, I found 6 like this picture with lead shavings hanging from the bullet and improperly seated. [ATTACH]2913[/ATTACH]
  9. +Rep for They Live.... saw that one at the theater. Piper should have considered a career in acting instead of professional sports. Edit... +Rep tonight when I recharge
  10. This can only be settled with a rumble of the epic proportion last seen when the Greasers took on the Soshes and the Sharks/Jets before them.
  11. Sadly, I have no Rep to give....
  12. C-bus

    Ammo special

    I'm thinking $8.99 is a thing of the past if gas goes up.
  13. Oh, I agree. I was trying to get in my annual motorcycle-related post.
  14. Back in '97 I worked in Nerk and lived in Columbus. I'd fill at the pilot on 37 and 70 for $.89/gallon. That wasn't THAT long ago.
  15. If only there was an alternative to cars.... something smaller, faster, lighter.... maybe fewer wheels to cut down on drag..... if only.
  16. 52!? Fuck. It's like gym class all over again.
  17. There are no good guys or bad guys in tribal warfare. Just winners and losers.
  18. That's kinda what I wrote but not really. Well-put Cheech.
  19. Dammit man! For the record, I firmly believe that we should pour money and love into all groups of unfortunate people regardless of race, color, creed, sexual preference, gang-thuggary, or unwillingness to move to where the food is. God bless us, every one.
  20. Edit..... Insert insensitive comment here.
  21. I think Vances has 1000 rounds of 7.62 at a little over $200. I'll see if I can find the flier. Steel, I'm sure. [ATTACH]2910[/ATTACH] I guess it was the .223 that was $209/1000. This didn't look like a bad price though.
  22. http://www.866ourvote.org/state?id=0022
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