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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    Ammo special

    Spending an extra $20 on ammo so he can save me $80 on a gun makes it worth it to keep small business alive. Tomorrow's not looking good, but I'll be in for a case. Thank you. Hell, I've stuffed more in a G-string for a special wink meant just for me.
  2. C-bus


    I'm going to subscribe to the thread and see where I land closer to the date. We're planning a vacation around that time, but if I'm in-state, I'd love to help. Don't put me down quite yet. It would be nice to feel fast in the twisties for a change.
  3. Crossed my mind, but we pay one time and all subsequent visits and treatments are included.
  4. And now the retainer is a permanent deal that goes behind your teeth.
  5. My 11 year old is getting them in June. Current thought is that it's easier to guide new teeth in than to move already existing.
  6. Wow! He didn't do too bad at all. $3500 would have been my max on that .
  7. I'm curious..... how much $ did he get? I've seen leftovers going for $5k brand new.
  8. It was just a 6cyl, but had T-Tops....silver.
  9. I once knew a kid (handsome devil, he was) who used to keep a bowl in a hole in the seat of his super-bitchen Camaro circa 1986.
  10. This will seriously hamper the attendance at Bad's family reunion this summer.
  11. Back in my day, we either kicked someone's ass or got our asses kicked.
  12. Condolences to the families.
  13. Normally, I'd make a case for the fanboys crying about a loss, but that Ape is something "special" in the straights. Makes me wonder too. That's not to take anything away from Max's raw talent.
  14. Good to see Kawasaki being competitive again.
  15. Very true. The Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement cuts of 2011 took their toll. The wages are still there, but there's no fluff ... sign-on bonuses, pick-up bonuses, attendance bonuses. As a fiscal conservative, I can't bitch about cutting spending, but I've felt this impact quite acutely myself.
  16. Support her schooling! RNs start out $40K+ easily.
  17. If I lives closer, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  18. Ammo... Walmart <$20 for 100 rnds Targets... Vances <$15 for 100 silhouettes I shoot 1-2 days per week on the membership with no fee. Also go right to the front of the line. I can leave work, shoot 150 rounds and be back in my office in 45 minutes. That makes it worth every penny to me.
  19. I tend to do weekday when it's free. Burned a lunch break there today.
  20. We can die from an infraction? Internet forums are serious business.
  21. Shooting today 2-fists?
  22. I'd agree with that. I wouldn't PETA stickers on my business and would seek to have them legally restrained from doing such.
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