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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    carry opinions

    Then we shall continue the libel until you bend to the will of the Glock.
  2. We may be married to the same woman.
  3. UP, Is that the company with which you're working? A good friend of mine is training with an outfit and they're pretty excited about the Ravens.
  4. Honestly.... visually check tires, secure wallet, phones, gun and then go. I commute quite a bit and doing the necessary safety checks has been lost in the routine.
  5. A man with a pink pistol has no use for a penis.
  6. C-bus

    carry opinions

    Blackwing in Delaware is probably only 40 minutes from you. Pretty sure they rent.
  7. C-bus

    carry opinions

    [ATTACH]2866[/ATTACH] +1 for the snubbie. Light weight, accurate, comfortable. Cons: heavy trigger takes practice, capacity.... But five in your pants is better than 15 in your safe.
  8. If you like that CZ, I've heard good things about the smaller ones. I'm also beginning to really like the Sig 239, but capacity is only 8+1.
  9. C-bus

    carry opinions

    As much as I love my Glock, I have a Smith in my pants right now.
  10. C-bus

    carry opinions

    Hey man, I tried but I rep-love you long time and am prohibited from further chebby-reps.
  11. I've heard good things about their shootability. Bulk has been a complaint. I've never fired or carried one.
  12. They have made the online access very easy.
  13. Cuz they are super-duper cool. Actually, they had red boxes so I'm thinking rentals.
  14. I was next to some interesting characters at the range two weeks ago. I feel better about my survival chances now. I shit-you-not... target was 10 FEET away and they couldn't print anything close to a group. I'm talking about barely on the paper. Glock, if course in the spirit of this thread. Gun safety handling left a bit to be desired as well.
  15. C-bus

    Carry gun

    I'm still trying to get used to carrying G19. Once I find that magic holster, maybe... I may invest in a real holster soon.... I still end up going with the 642.
  16. Whatever you decide on, try it on, price it out, and then call Rider's Discount.
  17. I haven't had any Verizon issues. Solar flares? Possible. It HAS been awfully nice by the pool today! I loves me some January Florida!
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