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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Natgeo will find a way to make them all look stupid.
  2. Also depends on how much extra room you have in your pants.
  3. Don't over-think it. Don't buy garbage. If it feels good in the hand, buy it. Other than cost of ammo, calibre is a non-issue. You can get used to anything.
  4. Good advice. Stop communication with him. That will piss him off more, but won't enable him to trap you in something stupid that he might get you to say. Again, he's not going to sue you. If I had a dollar for every threat to sue me, I'd have enough to pay the legal fees for when they actually do.
  5. He's not going to sue. He would gain nothing. No attorney will take the case beyond, at most, a scary letter. Tell him to put on his big-girl panties and suck it up, buttercup.
  6. Irritating? To me, yes. Legislation? Nope.
  7. I don't think fixed blades have any separate rules than do folders. I strap one on while hunting or while doing yard-work (bags of mulch) that calls me to use it often.
  8. So my friend Al Cohol and I were chilling the other night when KK recommended that I order this stuff. "What the hell.... might as well. Almost out of Hoppe's". Well, I used it last night and I was shocked at how smooth the slide to frame movement was. I was one of the lube-is-lube guys. The metal to plastic is crazy smooth, but the metal to metal on the Sig is amazing! Highly recommend the Slipstream.
  9. Amen. Just finished cleaning my Glock and it's time for bed. True story, actually.
  10. I've been advised not to use it on da -glocks.
  11. The kick off to the riding season.
  12. Oh shit, we're old. I bet 1/3 of the members on here have never seen one. A brand new car for like $2500 in the late '80s.
  13. Personally, I take great pleasure in cleaning my guns. Sitting down after an evening of shooting, cracking open that first beer, and smelling that mixture of solvent and gunpowder takes me to one of those happy-places. I'm not suggesting that anyone who doesn't do that is in some way harming their guns, but I enjoy it. Some guns are easier to clean than others. Fixed-barrels like my Walther PPK take much longer... 45 minutes or so. I can do Glocks in about 10 minutes or so. A gun with an external hammer will take a little longer to do it right. None of my guns require tools to strip, so that isn't an issue. Shotguns take 25 minutes or so, but that's because I obsess about making sure that the barrel is spotless when I hold it up to a light. I'm not as much of a fan about cleaning my rifles though. I don't strip down to barrel-removal and I hate running the patch down a closed pipe. All time estimates are just guesses, though. I don't time myself nor do I particularly hurry. Have I ever put a gun away dirty? Of course I have. In fact, the Glock digging into my side right now saw a little range time recently and didn't make it to the cleaning table... of course that was because I didn't want the wife to know that I did a little shooting when I should have been doing a little working.
  14. He could sell it for $4500 without blinking in about three months.
  15. Standard Fin Feather Fur is. $9.99 Blazer aluminum 115gr. About every two months or so, it's $8.99. That's <$180/1000 with no shipping.
  16. We have a small greenhouse. Spinach, lettuce, and kale year round. Would found a better use for it 15 years ago.
  17. I've been happy with their chokes.
  18. Cache of ammo because 9mm won't be $8.99 forever.
  19. Civil unrest. I live just blocks from some shady areas of Columbus. In a riot situation, it would not be fantasy to believe that I could be in a situation in which I would be defending my home.
  20. You got it. The 870s will stay with me as heirlooms. One was my grandfather's Wingmaster. The longer Wingmaster was given to me by my dad for Christmas when I was 16 (he died 11 years ago). The Novas are tools and could be on the block some day. They're kind of the Glock of shotguns. Love them or hate them, they shoot and they're super durable.
  21. I been on enough pheasant hunts with dipshits to know that birdshot isn't necessarily lethal, but really, really, stings.
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