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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. An 11 second car for under $8K that has more potential is a great deal. Hell even if you only did appearance mods from this point out you’d still have a bad ass car. Imagine what some sort of power adder would do! I really wish I had some $$$ I’ve been itching to get back into a car with some power. But I’m broke right now so the best I can do is drool and dream. GL with the sale, I’m surprised it’s not sold yet.
  2. True...but...well, I guess there is not "but'. Hypocrite or not I don't have to find some guy twisting the neck of a goose appealing. Yeah there are butchers but I'd imagine their a bit more humane then some redneck ringing the neck of a goose.
  3. A dipshit with a superbowl ring! GO STEELERS!!!!
  4. So who's it goanna be? A team with a bird, or the Steelers? I'd love to see the battle for PA, Steelers VS Eagles! GO STEELERS! http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb51/doggsnot/1022179035_l.gif
  5. Hookt on fonicks is for stupid peaploe!
  6. People can't fucking drive on the ground, I'd hate to see what happens when they become airborn.
  7. I believe Dr. Emmett Brown was actually the first with a flying car. Invented back in 1985 or maybe it was 2015. He converted a Delorean to a flying car. In addition to being the first with a flying car Dr. Brown (also known as "Doc") was said to be a pioneer for the electric car. Using a nuclear source (plutonium) to generate 1.21 "gigawatts" of electricity. There is said to be video of the car from 1985 taken in the Sears parking lot of the Twin Pines Mall, in Hill Valley California. However since plutonium was not readily available “Doc” had to steel it from Libyan Terrorists. Although the electricity didn’t directly power the car it did help pave the way. Many said that the electric car would never work based on the danger of needing a nuclear source . Not one to give up, “Doc” found the answer to his problem in 2015 in the form of The Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor. The Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor converts household waste to power, that power allows the DeLorean to generate the required 1.21 gigawatts needed to travel. So you see kids…Flying cars have been around for at least 24 or maybe they won’t exist for another 6 years….I don’t fucking know?
  8. One of the JEGS guy (Father/ Owner or maybe even a son) has a wagon similar to that. I saw it up at Pacemakers about a year ago. That things was super clean and launched like an arrow! Good stuff.
  9. Jesus! Yeah, if I were on the bike and the dude in the GT3 got that close...I'd piss myslef and probably pull over. Better them then me. Crazy video!
  10. Ahhh drunkin friends. I haven't been that trashed in a LONG time. After 1 or 2 nights like that, you learn real quick who your true friends are and also your true limits on alcohol. At least you didn't cap off the night with a trip to the ER to have his stomach pumped.
  11. I'm down another 2 pounds this week which I'm very pleased with. I started by loosing 8 lbs thanks to the flu, but I was not only able to keep off those 8lbs I managed to loose another 2lbs. What I did-Boxing 3 nights a week. Monday, Thursday and Saturday and Roller Hockey on Fridays. Goal For This Week - Continue with the Boxing and Hockey but focus more on what I eat. I'm going to try and stick to a 2,500 calorie intake. I don't want to go too low becasue of the Boxing and Hockey.
  12. No shit! Fucking sick bastard!
  13. "I went to move Alice in wonderland and think I inhaled her"
  14. Main3s


    You beat me to it...
  15. Maybe IT want's to lay you at Spice bar later, or IT want's you to give IT a tune up...If you know what I mean. Hahahah that's funny shit. Although I still don't get the eagle? Is that what all trannys are doing these days?
  16. Maybe he'll get picked up by the Steelers. They're great for signing big power backs that get hurt every other game.
  17. Main3s


    No...I saw it the other day. It's not so scary but it does give you another perspective on a religion that I would think a good 99% of Americans associate with terrorists. Basically the movie is about a government agent (Don Cheadle) who is a devout Muslim. He goes undercover to help fight the terrorist and believes that terrorist leaders are manipulating the religion to accomplish their goals. The movie shows him with the terrorist without a clear explanation as to which side he is on. He is deep undercover (kind of like “The Departed”)Now the US government is looking for him because they believe based on his religious background that he has switched sides. There was more to the movie then that, but the religious part is what impressed me the most and got me thinking.
  18. Good STORY. I find it really hard to believe that some guy would go through the trouble of arguing with some chick for days and days AFTER he clearly knows he can't be the father. If that were me or most guys I know as soon as the bitch said you're the daddy, I'd drop the news then. Why go throught the hassel? Especially when you know she fooled around on you? To me it seems fake, but if it is real then it's just sad the some guy would really do all that. Stick it out for days buy jewerly and flowers for her...THEN tell her, Riiiight.
  19. So shildish but funny!
  20. Main3s

    door sag

    I had a problem with the door on my Grand Prix. It was the kit was pretty easy; the problem came when making sure the door was aligned right. It took me a few tries to where it wasn't scraping or taping the door before it finally worked.
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