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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Okay, I'm not sure how many of us guys are in long term relationships, but assuming you are, I'm sure you've had to watch your fair share of chick flicks. I myself have the unfortunate problem of living with a girlfriend who can watch the same bullshit Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Garner, or Kate Hudson movies over and over and over a fucking again. But I actually watched The Notebook the other night with my G/F and thought it was good! I was a bit scared to admit it, so I thought I’d get some reassurance and find out if there are other guys out there that have a…. favorite… chick flick?

    BTW just to clear some things up, after I got done watching the movie, I drank a beer, built a fire, and ripped out some chest hair just earn some man points back. Haha!

  2. more more

    Here ya go!










  3. Just some pictures I thought were pretty cool. They're in an art exhibit called earth from above, for obvious reasons, enjoy!











  4. :lol:




    It was the best paying, worst job I have ever had. Every day I felt like I was in Office Space.

    You THOUGHT is was the best paying job, until they made you return half your check. :lol:.


    I had the same thing happen to me…In high school I had a part time job at Aquarium Adventure making about $7.25 an hour. Over winter break I put in about 35 hours and they accidentally put all of my hours in as overtime. My check was for like $600 and I was only use to seeing $150-$200….. Yep, that’s about it, they never caught the mistake and I got to keep all the money. So actually it’s nothing like what happened to you…..Yeah that sucks.

  5. Yes! Boxers are GREAT dogs. I have a 4 year old boxer and he's crazy. They're very playful and have lots of personality but they are also very obedient and smart. Mine hardly barks at all and is very protective of me and my GF. Probably one of the best dog’s I’ve ever had.
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