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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Programable Tstats rock!! From 5:00am-8:00am it's 72* (Nice and warm while I get ready for work). From 8:00am-5:00pm it's 65*. From 5:00pm- 10:00pm it's 70*. Then from 10:00pm- 5:00am back to 65*. It really does help the old heating bills. :thumbup:
  2. Early Gallardo's were 495 and the HP rating was bumped to 500 (must have been alot of development there!) for 2006.


    However depending on the source the gallardo is anywhere between 3300-3500 lbs AND all wheel drive so you're talking about a car that's at least 200lbs heavier, has roughly the same power and is trying to put that power to all 4 wheels vs. just 2.


    Not really a suprising result.


    Still an entertaining video though.



    You make a very good point. Either I didn’t realize how "slow" the Gallardo is or I didn’t realize how fast the Zo6 is, but I was surprised that the Zo6 beat him so easily. Aren’t the lambos built for higher speeds?

  3. It is terrible in the sense that a 1,000hp car, an expensive one at that, gets beaten out by 3 less expensive and less powerful cars. Did you see the way it was folding over in the corners. It looks so awkwardly heavy.


    True. The car is amazing but could be improved. For Christ sake it has a fucking 1000 HP quad turboed 16 cylinder engine!!! That makes it bad ass and sad all at the same time. But I still don’t know if I would call it terrible.

  4. I don't know if I could put a price on my freedom. People says sure $150K as long as I get visits :rolleyes: . A year is a long ass time to be in jail. I spent 2 and half days in jail and that was enough for me. It really is like being in with wild animals and that was just for a weekend. No thanks, I'd rather stay free and earn my $55K.
  5. I wish. I'd kill to be able to work for a shop like Big Wood Racing.

    Builds like that are great! I had the chance to work on this...







  6. I think People are detoured from this thread of having any value of my secrets and turned into a GNX lesson... lol

    :lol: Sorry bout that. I guess it's too much of a secret and people got tired of guessing how cool your project will be. Since we already know how badass turbo Buicks are we decided that it would be easier to talk about them.


    Anyway, back on topic…What color is it? I like guessing games!

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