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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. LOL getting kicked out. I never do. :p

    Yes, the conversation went...

    Excuse me sir. We’ve received some complaints from several other shoppers in regards to some suspicious behavior in the fitting rooms. We’d like to kindly ask you to please proceeded to check out now.


    Hells yeah!

  2. I like doing it in the fitting rooms in sears or kohls.


    + 1 I got kicked out of Kohl’s. Apparently it looks suspicious when you and a lady go into the same room to try on 1 pair of shoes for 15 minutes.


    Taking Your G/F shopping- $100.00

    New Pair of Shoes- $60.00

    Giving her some throat yogurt while in the fitting room- Priceless!

    There some things money can buy, for everything else, theres head!

  3. Dude funny story, went down to eat some dinner and I saw the string and was like uh, are you on your period, she was like oops, I forgot I was, went to the bathroom and removed said tampoon, came back into the bed and we resumed where we left off. http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/hsughr.gif



    My girl is 65, menopause FTW!!!! :p

  4. Eating pussy is even a question?


    You have to lick it, before you stick it...get it hot and wet so you can kick it...


    And for her "off" days...that's what those little brown Army towels are for.

    I licked how this thread started, but now I'm scared as to where it's going...

  5. :lol:















































































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  6. I was looking at buying one of those a few years ago. When I drove it, it was like driving a fuckin lazy boy. The seats were extremely comfortable and was so big it felt like I was driving the living room of my apartment :lol: Nice car, and GREAT DEAL!!
  7. Wow. I just got one of those emails this morning from a guy in the UK asking for my help in securing 1.6 million dollars. Apparently he trusted me all I had to do was send him my SS# and bank account#. Boy am I glad I heard this was a scam. THANKS CR!!!
  8. LMAO!!!! It is hard to get excited about this years game as Michigan really sucks, the worst offense in the Big 10 vs. one of the best defenses in the nation. The only way they might score is proabably on Rodriguez's trick plays and such.



    The stats may be in OSU's favor, but let’s not forget this is OSU vs. Michigan. It’s one of the biggest rivalries in sports, not just college football. It’s an opportunity for Rodriguez to make a good impression on his first season. He could coach a loosing record and all (or at least most) would be forgotten if he beats OSU and that goes for both teams. The players take this game a lot more seriously too. Again the talent may be with OSU this year but you’re going to have some Michigan players really up their game to compete and play a lot harder. And if OSU sits back and thinks they have it won, it’s going to be a repeat of the 06 national championship game. Let’s face it, its college football in November. For the most part, teams know where they stand. Michigan isn’t going to a bowel game so why not play balls to the wall and try and Fuck up OSU’s season. There is still a lot to get excited for. NOW GO BUCK!!!



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