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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Yea I know he has today off, but still this is a shit thread and he loves talking about dooty.


    On a related note, i took a shit the other night that stood straight up and down in the toliet and it took 3 flushes just to get it to clear.

    You need more fiber in your diet.

  2. You still sporting the same car ?

    Sort of...Same car, not as fast. I broke the tranny about 4 times :(. After rebuilding it for the 5th time I said fuck it and sold all the "go fast" parts, now I'm...well slow. But I did run 12.7X at 110mph.

  3. Since I’ve noticed how people on CR love to talk about their BM’s I feel compelled to let everyone know that I have a massive shit brewing as I type. I’ve had the bubble guts all morning and I’m starting to crown, when it’s ready, it’s goanna be a nasty one…That is all.
  4. You all should be ashamed of making fun of this man!!! How dare you laugh at his pain. He is passionate about reading and his community, and now they are tearing down his library and you want to make fun of him. :nono: I swear…sometimes you people can be so fucking rood.








































































    Aaaa Who am I kidding, that's funny and pathetic, poor bastard needs to get some poon :lol:

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