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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. :barf: :barf: :barf: srsly, who gets off to that shit!? (no pun intended)
  2. Main3s


    Oooo Oooo...Tripple post bitches, that's what thugs do!
  3. Main3s


    I'll think of this as getting beat into the CR e-thug gang.
  4. Main3s


    I'll try my hand at this e-thung thing..I mean this e-thug shit! Bring it you son of a bitch! :finger:
  5. That's fucked up for the Lion. The people were obviously idiots. I don't know much about Lion care but I saw a few things in that video that were a little off. Lack of food for the lion (not counting people) Obviously no safty plan in place. There was a dog in the cage with the Lion and the cage was too small. I didn't watch it all, just when the lion started to moan after being shot in the head. Those people should be fined. How in the Fuck do you own a lion and let something like that happen? I'm glad the dude is dead! Too bad the lion didn't fucking kill every other iginorant bastard in that video.
  6. "I'll see if she's alive" lol! I maen that's fucked up, but I don't have a sole so to me it's funny!
  7. Wow, this mabe me laugh. I haven't played that "game" in years. I too question weather or not it's below the waist.
  8. I know this is redundant. But at least the artical read 9 arrested and not 9 killed....Be smart and I hope everything works out.
  9. I didn't read all the pages so sorry if this has already been brought to everynes attention. But this link has pictures of the people that were arrested.
  10. ^^ I'm forgetable I guess. I haven't really got out that much this year, I've had some ongoing trans issues, but I think I have it all worked out now. I'll see you around.
  11. LMK when your car is back together, I'm down to run again.
  12. Yeah that was me, we flew down 71S to Frank Rd.. I was ahead of you at the exit so you pulled around me and asked how to get back to high st. Then I could smell your clutch. lol It was a good race, and I think I was the one that pulled on you. But since no one was there to see it, I guess we'll agree to disagree just giving you a hard time. We aslo talked a few times up at QSL, I had the sliver GTP and raced Mr. 04srturbo. That was a good one too, but he got me at around 120 and pulled on me up to 130-140. Fun times. Glad your car is getting fixed.
  13. 25 seconds in is the funny! http://video.xnxx.com/video7776/How_To_Spell_FUCK
  14. Is this srsly the second page of fannage talk....wow, CR has it all!
  15. Nice, so it will be back together and ready to get beat by my GTP again soon huh! Congratz!
  16. The second video is some crazy stuff, 4 on one bike...Wow! Cool stuff!
  17. Wow. I'm suprised (sp) by the 60ft, I thought it would be MUCH better. I can get my FWD to pull a low 1.8 60. No offence, you have and additional 450whp then me, so I'm sure that's what it is, I just thought it would be better. Nice runs either way, nice car too!
  18. Chuck Alive > Bruce Dead I'm just sayin....
  19. Nice, and so true. A box of driving skills at age 25! LOL
  20. Main3s


    Nice car, Welcome!
  21. You better believe your ass Aunt Jemima is racist! Her and Uncle Ben have been plotting against the Quaker Oats guy for years now, trying to get him out of the oatmeal business...It's fucking ridiculous!!!!
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