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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Your ex girlfriend was a ford guy!? :marc2:
  2. Can't be that old, I remember that resturant and the movie theater in the mall too, I think I watched Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure there I'm sure this wasn't supose to be a flash back thread but I remember when Columbus didn't have any Steak N Shakes The olny StarBucks coffee you could get was in bottles and we didn't have a Wal-Mart on every side of town!
  3. If you noticed by my post I didn't notice...j/k But srsly, I didn't catch that.
  4. His quote was 6 is an original...Not 5, but I get it... Nice pictures I like the rolling pics the best.
  5. Great list!!!! You want to leave Ohio, but not Columbus!! United Skates of America on Refugee FTW (Laces was cool too) Northland Mall was Great, so was Eastland and Westland was always the crappy one. I'm gonna throw this out there Does anyone remember the Laser Lights show down by the river front durring summer? It was the same everytime, but we always went. You can be on any side of town in 20 minutes (30 depending on traffic) 670 windows down FTW 71 S & 104 Windows down FTL Jesus I love Columbus O-H
  6. Your mom goes to college! Welcome!
  7. Not by me, I raced a green one with a 3800 in it.
  8. THIS IS SPARTA!!!! http://pix.jj.am/gallery/v/Pro/LeonidasDebbie.jpg.html
  9. I don't really get it.... But it's cool....I guess?
  10. Sweet!!! How does it handle underwater... I didn't even know that the Maxima's could be converted to water vehicles. What’s that thing on top? Is that to keep it stable under water? Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
  11. Okay, WTF I hit the next button on the mother daughter pic and this shit came up ewww... http://pix.jj.am/gallery/v/Single/Dead_tits.jpg.html
  12. Cupcake girl FTMFW!!! God damn she is fucking Hawt!!!! The star trek looking one is creepy as shit too. And I'd take the daughter in the first pic. Mom has nice tittys, but she looks a lil ruff.
  13. WOW!! That's bad ass, looked fun as hell and 6 minutes of it to! I didn't think the festiva could handle that.
  14. Fake...Honestly I'm getting tired of all this fake bullshit..Lebron shooting full court shots, Kobe jumping over cars, that girl jumping up walls cathing a foul ball. I mean are athletes not doing anything worth wild anymore that people have to make shit up!?
  15. I think the site is good. I didn't take the whole ride 2 die slogan as something bad, I looked at it more like prepair for the worst. Ride like you may be killed? "Dress for the fall, not the ride." No one ever really thinks that shit like that will happen to them. As a rider you know the risks involved with not wearing a helmet and goofing off. I look at this site as a reminder that it's REAL. Definatly a scare tactic or the brutial truth however you look at it but if the next time you go out and think about not wearing a helmet and one of those images flashes in your head, you may think twice. And I think that's the whole point behind this site. Same thing with people in cars. If they see this they too might think twice about bikes on the road when an image if some guys torso is shreaded in the road...Again very brutal and definatly one sided, but I think the message is good.
  16. NWS for language. (If you didn't already get that from the title) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hgsw5Hg0Ag&feature=related
  17. A little off topic but this was linked to that last video...Inside a cylinder
  18. WOW that sucks to hear and it's your dad too, I take it he wasn't the one who taught you about cars...I hope. Well good luck getting it fixed
  19. I agree that it's dumb to have 2 or more DUI's on your record and I would like to see something being done about it, but this is just stupid. Giving MORE power to people who abuse it already (not all) is a bad idea. I’m a big believer that giving the Govt. more power is a bad idea in general, just another way they have control over us, instead of the other way around. There has to be a better way then this. Maybe after the 2nd DUI’s they impound your car for a month. I don’t drink and drive but to say this only affect those who do is wrong. This is just opening the door to other things. Someone is raped and the suspect matches your description. Well there is a law in place to catch drunk drivers why not make a law that catches rapists too? Next thing you know you get a knock at the door from the cops saying you HAVE to give blood to clear yourself. All I’m saying is that once it’s on the books it’s not too long before they find a way to justify it in other aspects of personal invasion. I know that blood and DNA samples are different, but I thought, why not just jack off on the cop and give him a sample that way! Lol, but I fail because they’re not the same….or are they…!? Hummmm
  20. I'm dissapointed that they did this with the vette...
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