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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. How many hours is that going to take? It looks good, lots of detail.
  2. The blue one is way too much and poorly done. Honestly I don’t think that Twisted’s is all that bad really. I don't think the color helps. A yellow RX-7 with a body kit does screams rice (no offence), but if it was on a black or dark colored car I think it would look good (anyone want to Photoshop that idea?) I wouldn’t go out of my way to put it on, but if it was already on the car, I could live with it.
  3. Unless I'm missing something...How much does it cost to just take it to NTB or Discount Tire? Like $5 a wheel?
  4. Yes, don't listen to me. That was my lame attempt at spoiling the movie.
  5. Maybe I'm missing something here, but why is having any sort of race track on the West Side a good thing? Picture National Trails on a friday night Test & Tune. Now add 2x's as many POS rice/ flat out confused cars and take the stupidity level up about 1,000 times! If they did make it into a public 1/4mile track, I think I would still drive out to trails or up to Norwalk in hopes that all the W T would get stuck at the new track. But hey, that's just my .02.
  6. Main3s

    360 Billion

    LOL...Dumb ass. There was a story a few month back about this real bummy lookin guy who went into a bank and tried to get change for his million dollar bill. Oh and if you don't know apparently they don't make million dollar bills. LOL
  7. ^^^ LOL. I think that happens only once every 1,000 years!
  8. Yeah it just sucked that he died at the end!
  9. Nice Cars!!! I love the G35's. I was looking at a silver or black one but can't really afford it right now. I believe there are quite a few aftermarket parts available for them since they share the same platform as the 350Z. But who cares how fast it is, they are sexy! Welcome.
  10. Nice pictures. Even though it's kind of ricey it’s clean and not too over the top. One question though, if it’s a stock Vtec, why the heavy duty race seats with the partial cage? I would have skipped out on that and put the $$$ towards something that would make it need a cage in the first place. But other then that nice pictures and car. Oh and I too like the plate!
  11. That sound like an awesome project....Oh wait, I have no clue what is going on....(leave room quietly)
  12. That was great, the badger was kind of scary looking though. Wiggle room LOL!
  13. That was bloody great!!! Oh and Kevin R's comment made me LOL....Again! Points for you sir!
  14. The clay also traps the debris you pick up which is why it is important not to push down too hard on the clay. Maguire’s has a 3 step Paint cleaner, Polish and Wax that works GREAT after the clay bar IMO, but that’s an all day event and lots of work to do it right.
  15. For the price I'd go with the GTO. The G8 GXP is going to be pricey but you would get back some of the “creature features” with it. When I debate cars that I wish I could buy I look at Price, Power and Performance. The GTO has the G8 in the price dept. but as far as Power and Performance I think (with out driving either of them) they are about equal. I may be in the minority here, but overall I like the look of the GTO better. The interior of the G8 is kind of plain and apart from the front end the rest of the G8 body doesn’t really stand out either.
  16. VP sells 109 unleaded. I think it's avaliable at the Valero gas station on S Hamilton. If not I'm sure with enough requests they can order a drumb
  17. I'm not sure it's so much that they weren’t smart enough or couldn't think something up. If it were you or I just put there in our current state of mind then I'm sure we could think of a way and get out. But these people were mentally fucked up. Imagine being locked up you whole life. Think back to a memory of you at 10 or 12 going to see a movie or your first baseball game think of your days on the playground at school. Now replace those memories with a dark basement and having this guy do god only knows what to you. The things in our past, memories, experiences, life lessons, all make us who we are now. If your life consisted of a dark basement and some sick fuck it would break you down and over a period of time you would just accept you fate. That’s a very sad, disturbing and screwed up situation.
  18. I ran C16 in my car with a Denso lead resistant 02 sensor and it didn't seem to hurt it any.
  19. A different view ??? http://videos.streetfire.net/video/C6-Z06-fly-by_157604.htm
  20. Main3s


    I'm kind of in limbo too. I could wash the car, cut the grass, do house work or...Well nothing. It's a nice enough day out it's just that nothing sounds fun.
  21. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    It was a little scarry at first down 3-0. But then it just started clicking all the way to a 5-4 win!!!! I love it. And the white out was cool too.
  22. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    Game 1 Rangers FTL!!!
  23. BLU MGK is at least understandable. I H8 plates that don't make sense. WTF is the point of paying the extra $$ for everyone on the road to see your personalized plate if the only person who gets it is you...?
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