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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. The Sunoco on Georgesville Rd sells 93 for the price of 89 on Wednesdays and 89 for the price of 86 on Sundays. Those are the 2 days I fill up. It's only a 10 cent savings per gallon, but every bit helps.
  2. he's a prick and that just showes it!
  3. You found a Camaro in Middletown!?!? That's like NASCAR haven down there. Good race.
  4. Well I'm a pretty big Pittsburgh Penguin fan so I had to do something to show off. Here are a few pictures of my Truck.... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_0006.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/sig.jpg My G/F and I were at the 1st day of training camp last year for the Penguins. We were in town for the weekend to watch the new talent (Jordan Stalls 1st season and Malkins) we had a hotel and the next day we were going to visit my family and then to Kennywood Park (an amusment park). After practice there were a ton of people waiting around for autographs and since we had nothing else planned for that day other than sit in our hotel we decide to hang around too. There were crowds of people mobbing all the players as they left all asking "where's crosby? When is he coming out?" About 2 hours pass and most of the people had gone. My G/F was disapointed that she wasn't able to get Crosbys autograph. There were only like 2 people left when she said let's just go to the hotel. We'll I decided since we had nothing better to do why not just wait another 15 minutes. About 10 minutes pass and I realize we are the only car left outside of the igloo. Then this Silver Range Rover pulls into the parking lot. It was Colby Armstrong (a former Penguin player) He pulled up next to the exit and out walks Sindey Crosby! We were just sitting in the truck so I pulled up to the exit, my G/F was shocked. Crosby and Armstrong nodded and said hey! So my girlfried asks for their autograph. They were really nice and Crosby said nice truck. Then it hit me! I didn't have anything for them to sign so I asked if he wanted to sign it. He was a little confused so I said yeah, go ahead and just sign the tailgate, so he did. His next comment was "well I've never signed a truck before that's kind of cool"! It turned out to be a really good weekend. The next weekend I took the truck to a body shop and had them clear coat the signature. Over a year later and it's still there! GO PENS!!!
  5. Main3s

    New guy

    Things that would help this intro... 1. what kind of car (s) do you own? 2. Pictures? 3. Anything about yourself? 4. How did you hear about CR? Try again... Dude.
  6. Damn!! I wonder how long that too him to do?
  7. I guess it depends on what actually goes down. Or should I say who, goes down. I would not suck a dick or take it in the ass for any amount of money....However! If some dude offered me $100,000 to swallow my kids I'd take his money. If a guy offered me $500,000 to poke his ass, I'd consider it. Call me queer but for $500,000 an ass is an ass!
  8. Kind of off topic, but there was a "True Life" episode on MTV were this straight guy did gay porn. All the other gay porn guys were gay but he wasn’t. And he was really cool with it. Apparently he got paid like $500.00 to do a straight seen but then he was told he could get anywhere from $3-$5,000 if he went to gay porn. So he did, over and over again.
  9. He started on her tittys, then BAM!!! right on her lip!!! LOL so maybe she was cool with the whole titty thing but not her face? Hey at least she waited to get it all before she left.
  10. That's a 6 o'clock girl. stright up and down.
  11. Okay....sooo....is there a point to this, or was it just a question?
  12. That was GREAT!!! LOL I can't wait to hear the responce.
  13. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    We'll see the old farts have to get by Dallas and the Pens have to get by Philly, but that would be a great match up for the finals!
  14. Main3s

    Cheap pizza

    I though it was just for Cleveland area residents?
  15. LOL... Proof that she puts out, and his name is Corey!
  16. The sad part is that people are bitching but I haven't heard anyone in power offer up a solution. The gov doesn't care because they have the power at this point. Until we “the people” gather together and force the issue, nothing will be done. Today people are more connected then ever. I’m communicating with people I have never met in person and sharing ideas with you all as well, all on a car forum. But can we use this connection to help each other? Or is it just for shooting the shit? Maybe…Just maybe we can do something on our level. CR has pulled together to do other random thing why not start using our voice for something that will have a bigger impact. I’m not talking about starting a million man march or knocking on the door of congress, but if we started brain storming reasonable ideas as to how we can have an impact or raise awareness maybe we can do something. Remember it takes on person to stand up and start something or in our case one group. I’m not very political but I do know the power of “the people” and that use to mean something. When the gov was afraid or at least respected the people. Now despite being able to get online and chat or post with someone around the country we are more separated then we were 50 years ago. Someone made the point that if we’re at war, why not just take the oil? I ask if we are at war why not use the power that we have to change it? We have to stick together and make a stand. Maybe $4.00 a gallon isn’t enough to bring people together to make a stand? But what will it take? $5.00 a gallon? Will people have to start getting laid off before they realize it’s a problem? This may seem like a stretch or harsh comparison but no one really started to care about the Nazi’s and what they were doing to the Jews until it got out of hand. I’m not saying that the gas prices are any where near that level but it is a similar situation to where people were being treated unfairly and it took a big change for the worse before anyone came together and did something about it. So ask yourself when is enough, enough? You may sit back and read this and think “Well I have enough $$$ that it’s not too bad for me. It sure does suck for everyone else?” The truth is that if we don’t stand together it will have to get worse before it gets better. That is my semi inspirational rant/
  17. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    I think Philly is actually the first team I’m concerned about too. Maybe because they came into the playoffs with a head of steam and upset the Canadians. They have always played the Pens very well and there is that added cross-town rivalry. But I just don’t think people realize how deep the Penguin’s bench is. Their defense and PK are killer and they can score with pretty much ANY line. You have Crosby on the Top line, Malkin on the 2nd, Stall on the 3rd and Laraque & Ruttu on the checking line. Brion has looked good but he’ll have to play top notch in all games against the Pens. Something else that has impressed me with the Penguins is that when they were down 3-0 in the 1st Rangers game they held their composer and came back to win it. (If you can’t tell I’m a real big Penguins fan!!!). I see the Penguins winning it in 6 games. I hope Dallas at the very least takes it 7 games with Detroit and makes it 7 hard hitting, tight and emotional games to ware them down.
  18. That was so disturbing but yet sooo funny!!
  19. Lame attempt at retaliation FTMFL
  20. Main3s

    NHL Playoffs!

    Go Dallas!!! No, I didn't get to watch it, but ESPN's headline was "While you were sleeping" 4 OT’s poor San Jose really didn’t want their season to end. For the West Dallas VS Detroit For the East Pittsburgh VS Philadelphia I see Pittsburgh and Detroit in the Finals, I’d much rather it be Dallas vs Pittsburgh but the Pens have to get by Philly first and Dallas would have to play their ass off to beat Detroit.
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