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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Psshhh. I figure if you're dumb enough to fall for it you need to lose your money!
  2. Main3s

    2000 SV650

    fuck! Well congratz on the sale.
  3. I agree that he has used bad judgment but the issue is that he has NOT been convicted, hell he hasn't even been charged in the second claim. Aren’t you supposed to be innocent until proven guilty!? And is it really that hard to believe that some drunken gold digger saw an opportunity to take advantage of a situation? I think the fact that he is being suspended for 6 games WITHOUT PAY for nothing other then accusations is tough. Again, bad decisions bad actions yeah, but that doesn’t mean he has or has not raped women. And everyone wants to say that Michael Vick was put in jail because of the animal cruelty. Don't let the media confuse you my friend, the poor dogs may have gotten the headlines but the real crime was that he was housing/ running an illegal gambling ring as well as lying in court and failing to cooperate with authorities. THAT’S why he was in jail, not just because of the way he killed dogs. So your title should be Lying Under oath and being the syndicate of a gambling ring >Sexual Assault Accusations? By the way, I love your bike!
  4. Not a fan at all, but as long as you like it. What the hell.
  5. I see your point but CR isn't for everyone it's that simple! Are their more like minded people out there who are into cars, own shops, race cars, or who can help contribute in some way? Sure, but the bottom line is that not everyone is into car forums and the internets. Some people can't take the silly shit that goes on either. I can't say I blame them but then again, just ignore it. I take what I can from the forum and enjoy it for what it is and who the members are. I’m a car guy so I know other car guys and shops that are not on here. If CR can’t help me I go somewhere else.
  6. I can be your hype man! I'll just yell random words to the song to get people into it! I play the saxamaphone but it's been a while...
  7. The NHL Playoffs are one the best things about sports. I know people who are not fans or who don't fully understand the game may have a hard time understanding that. But just watch, then fans and the players are crazy. They say the best thing about football is that after every snap of the ball something amazing might happen... Well the same goes for playoff hockey! Only as soon as the puck drops there is non-stop potential, a big hit that breaks the glass, a huge save, a goal, or even a very close but no goal shot, the fights, the drama, the scuffles after the puck is stopped, the way the team looks after each other... So many things and at such a high pace make it much more enjoyable then the stop and go of other major sport. Of course this is just my opinion so I’ll continue to enjoy the NHL playoffs! AND GO PENS!!!!!!
  8. Main3s

    happy 420

  9. Main3s

    happy 420

    You're paranoid... that happens sometimes on 420...
  10. I know, I've seen it there and for the price and maintenance it's a really good deal. I do like it, I'm still in the shopping around stage though. If it’s still available when I’m ready to buy in early June I’ll let you know.
  11. Hahah, yeah that's what I thought. But it's cheap and looks pretty damn good actualy. I'm just thinking re-sale. I know there's always a decent market for beginner bikes, I had just never heard of this company. Buy it this year for $1800 sell it next year for $800. At least the Ninjas hold their value I've seen a few nice ninjas on OhioRiders. Not sure if I want to go with a 250 or not. I guess a first bike is a first bike.
  12. So I'm looking for a bike and run accross this... http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1696729844.html I've never even heard of a ZongShen!? $1850 for brand new 08 that has 2 miles on it Sure it's a 250 but for a 1st bike why not. Seems like a cheapo bike that will probably be worthless in a year or 2 or fall apart... am I wrong?
  13. Look I'm no criminal, but I have "broken the law". I speed probably weekly, hell this morning I was doing 75 in a 65 and if I were to get pulled over for it, I would pay the ticket and move on. But what make this such a great country is that I have the freedom to speed. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! Hell, if all this was about was to help cut down on speeders, why not just set the speed governor to 70 MPH in cars. After all, if you ever go above 70 you're speeding and breaking the law. So if you're against that idea, then you must support illegal activity! How many of you have gone and bought fireworks then signed the piece of paper saying that you're taking them out of state, only to drive 30 minutes back home and set them off in your residential neighborhood? You fuckin criminals you just broke the law! What’s wrong with you?
  14. I’m against it 100%. It's all BS IMO. Saying that it’s for use to help find criminals like drug dealers, murders, rapists etc. is just to scare people into thinning its okay. I know some good could come of it and it’s nice to think that with just a little technology we could crack down on crime and get rid of the “bad guys”, but I also know that bad will come of it too. Law enforcement is just another business looking to make a profit. It’s not going to catch and rid Columbus of robbers and criminals but it will generate income for the city when they start handing out traffic violations for failing to stop completely before making a right hand turn on red. You get a $120 speeding ticket because some ass hole cut you off so you buzz around him at 65 in 35 mph zone. Did you break the law? Yes, does it make you a criminal? Fuck no, it happens and most people have done it. “Oh but it’s just for catching the bad guys who rob and kill people” don’t be so naïve. It takes one court case to rule that breaking the law is breaking the law and if a car thief can be caught using the cameras, then they shouldn’t turn a blind eye to “reckless driving” or illegal parking. Everything evolves into something else. Let’s allow cameras on our city streets, now lets allow cameras in any section 8 or government funded housing. Think of all the crack heads and domestic violence we could get ride of! If you say no to this idea, you’re some hippy who supports crack heads, domestic violence, thieves and other criminals! Ummm, no. I handle my own business I don’t need the police or government to step in and take care of me…
  15. Main3s

    My car

    Why!? It's not like he's going fast enough to hurt anyone. A few of his "race videos" looked like he was merging onto the freeway, not racing.
  16. Main3s

    My car

    Wanna go back to my tent?
  17. Main3s

    My car

    X2 but you have to give it to the kid, he has done more racing in those videos then probably half the people posting. (and if you take offence to that then you're the ass doing all the talking) We can't all drive 9, 10 and 11 second cars that trap 130-150mph. you have to start some where. He's not bragging that he can take down CR with his V6 Ruststang, he's just enjoying his car and sharing it with others and after all isn't that what this site is for?
  18. Ummm it was a direct quote from this link... kthanxby.
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