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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/craigsliststolenflashdrive.jpg
  2. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/treesexdoggys.jpg http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/zoowheelchaireat.jpg
  3. Did anyone catch that he wanted to be in a burn victim girl. LMFAO
  4. I doubt it, he can read and type. Welcome to CR man! Nice car, don't be a fuckin douche.
  5. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2596/4153277263_e1b95edb39.jpg :nws:
  6. It's actualy been 8 pages of healthy debate. i'm suprised it hasn't gotten off track too much. I check back in for pics. Oh and PDQ, how the hell is her ass FAT getting outta the pool. I would wreck that ass!, hell I wouldn't know what to do with it.
  7. Attention: BoostedTypeS When you get back from your vacation just stay the fuck gone. How pathetic are you? You're the one coming on a car forum to try and find out where all of us "internet bitches" are racing. Oh and I better watch out because you're a big tough guy that will kick my ass. :jerkit: If you were anywhere close to the bad ass you think you are you wouldn't be on a forum bragging to all us peons about how tough you are and asking us where we meet, you would already be out at the "rice spot" kicking ass. But you’re not, you’re on a car forum telling a bunch of dudes how big and strong you are in your 14 second car. Now I’m no expert but that sounds like something an “internet bitch” would do, what do you think?
  8. Not to start shit, but more or less just asking the question... How do you know the people you see are illegal? Example, I contracted a girl almost a year ago to do work and she had a Mexican friend helping her. For months her Mexican friend hardly said 2 words to me. I assumed that he was probably illegal and that's why all the paperwork was in her name and he did the work without speaking. Well one day I finally decided to just try and talk to him, turns out he spoke pretty good English, broken, but we held a conversation and he understood it. After a few more weeks of just talking to him when he came up to work I found out that he's lived in Columbus for about 3 years and was here legally he was very proud to tell me all about getting his citizenship. Long story short I judged this guy without knowing his situation, I say he didn't speak to me, but at the same time I never tried to speak to him. Imagine moving to a different country where everyone stares at you and judges you but doesn't speak to you. I have no doubt that there are plenty of illegal immigrants in Columbus who are causing issues be it on intentional or not (car accidents). I disagree with people making any blanketed statement about people they don’t know. Learn OUR language or get out!
  9. I'm running too, if you get there early enough you can start at the beginning of the line and actually run/ jog instead of walking around all the dogs and kids... And Since it's for a good cause I'll mention that there will be people down there selling Dispatch Newspapers. The proceeds go to the Komen foundation; the cool part about it is that we will be printing the dispatch on pink paper that day in support of the race.
  10. http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2009/04/family-tree-lr-b.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg
  11. http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2010/01/1.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2009/09/marcia-kb.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2009/08/emil-compressed.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2009/08/wanda-manlyman.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/cache/2009/08/rob-twocats.jpg/570_0_resize.jpg
  12. I think you're thining more of this.... http://go635254.s3.amazonaws.com/ecoscraps/files/2008/05/obese-woman.jpg Where Brian and most others are thinking more of this... http://x93.xanga.com/f9fc2354c6c33166931182/w126308793.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/2nicuxk.jpg
  13. I use to like you. I was happy to see Washington get knocked out and it was a good game no less. The top 3 teams in the east lost in the 1st round Jersey, Washington and Boston. I'd love to see the Pens go for a 3rd straight year, but that's a LOT to live up to.... I'm going with Pittsburgh in the East and Vancoover from the west.
  14. I can't + rep you anymore, but if I could I would. I agree 100000%. I do find it slightly annoying sometimes when I go to talk with people and they can't speak English. I personally feel that if someone chooses to go live in another country they should at least make an attempt to learn the language. I would hold myself to the same standards. But for an elected official to use such statements as a way to attract voters is just feeding into narrow minded individuals. Which IMO are worse for this country then people who can't understand the language.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMvZQsSRgG4
  16. I was under the impression that the South Park people did that intentionally …
  17. Yes, for like the 4th or 5th time.... But honestly, I still look everytime. Can you really get tired of seeing that stuff? I can't.
  18. It almost seems like... dare i say.... too much!? nice work brian!
  19. turn in your man card! What kind of question is that!?
  20. There was a stat during the Olympics that like 9 out of every 10 Canadians play hockey....Then you have the other countries like Russia, and the chezk republic where Hockey is huge too. But baseball is big in China so who knows!? I think no matter the outcome of this people would be surprised with the results.
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