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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. This pic made me LOL till I saw the ring on teh guys finger.





    But yeah I would NOT want a dog that size. 245 pounds. If that fucker wants something, he's goanna get it! 245 pounds of dog, not fat lazy 40 year old man there is a difference. Cool looking dog though.

  2. She only has minumum coverage so it wouldn't be coverd. if I can find parts at the junkyard which there is a massave amount of saturns in there I can fix it for about 50 bucks. its probably to late now to report is so ill just chaulk it, fix it and move on. Next time ill know that I should make a report as soon as it happens. I've never had to make a insurance report. Maybe I should still bitch slap her and put him in the hospital for pulling the shit they did last night cuting me off lol.


    Do you even know if it was her? I know it's suspect of them and their behavior, but maybe their just angry people to begin with or maybe because you were giving any red car with bumper damage the stank eye they thought YOU were guilty of something. I'm just saying, it's easy to point blame when you're looking for someone to point at.


    Sucks either way, but I guess that's one of those life lessons. G/L

  3. I've got a 98 Dakota that is losing oil pressure. The guage will drop to 0 for a bit then jump back up. I thought it was the sending unit at first so I changed it. But that didn't fix the issue. Now when you start it, it will have pressure for a bit then will go to 0 but never go back up. I drove it about 10-15 miles and you could hear the valves chattering. Now it's sitting. If you just let it idle it doesn't sound bad. Does that sound like a bad motor or oil pump? I'm leaning towards pump...(I hope anyway)
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