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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Only thing I can think of is when I'm not wearing shoes or socks and I'm sitting down, I curl my toes under my feet (like making a fist with my feet)... I read, re-read and read a third or 4th time before sending out emails at work, but I think that's just being smart.
  2. Just for shits and giggles, because it takes 2 seconds I ran an 01 gtp on progressive's website right now, and with $300k CSL, $10k med pymt and $500 deductibles, its under $60/month for a gtp.


    How are you at $220?


    $500 deductible 2 reckless opps in the past (20mph + over the speed limit) and 10 points on my record at one point... Maybe that sums it up, but all of that was years ago. (Most of it "Fell Off" about a year and a half ago). I can't figure it out either. I tried several places after my tickets supposedly came off my record and all were about the same. Even with Nationwide who I have my homeowners insurance through was $200+ a month. From what I understand a ticket stays on your driving record for 2 years, but I’ve heard different versions insurance can look back 5 years...? I don't know. Anyway, at that point I just said screw it I'll wait till I turn 25 and have a “clean” record then try again.

  3. So I’m about to pay off my car here shortly and I was curious as to who keeps full coverage on their car even after it’s paid off? I’m thinking that if there is a significant savings in full vs minimum coverage a month, I’ll be switching to minimum. But is that a "smart" move? I've never been in an accident, apart from a shit load of tickets I got in my teens I've got a good record.


    Right now I pay $220 a MONTH!! For full coverage on my GTP (Sad I know) I just turned the magic 25 and I’ll be ticket free come May. At that point I’m going to start looking for a better insurance option. I just didn’t know if full coverage is that big of a deal. Thanks!

  4. http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/camera5.jpg







  5. http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/for_fucks_sake_girls_lesbians_room_clean_dirty_demotivational_poster_12484803920.jpg







  6. Look don't come in here and try an be a smart ass clever little dip shit just shut the fuck up about your hopes and dreams, don't start running your mouth and be humble. The fact that the best thing you have going for yourself if that you drive a fuckin Metro isn't saying much. “But it was FREE”! :rolleyes: No shit, there’s a reason for that too…


    We don’t give a fuck who you’re friends with, if you have friends on here great, if all you’re offering the rest of the forum is this slow failure of a thread then :gtfo: and continue playing somewhere else. We don’t need useless tards trolling around here, that position has already been filled.


    You don't need to drive a mad tight V8 mustang or F-Body. You don't need to be rich or own the most out of this world car to fit in. Just post a few pics of your shit box car. And don't mention an engine swap until you at least have an engine to swap/

  7. I haven't moved on, but I have gotten smarter about them and the way I plan to mod/ build and drive. They don't get my #1 attention anymore as I've matured. Putting money into my home seems to be a smarter choice at this point in life. But I still have that "Need for speed" if you will, and the desire to own a fast and sexy car. I'm just in limbo now if you will.
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