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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. haha thas the spirit... fuck polaris :bangbang:


    Well I wasn't trying to establish what side of town is better then the other, just want to get together...


    just drive up and have a beer you lazy piece of shit


    X2. It's not that bad of a drive, it's Columbus, you can be anywhere in the city in 15-20 minutes.

  2. Then both of you should be gone. Drama just follows you two around too much.


    I think Ben should be perma banned for posting in this thread. The "it really has nothing to do with me, I was just commenting" statement doesn't cut it anymore. He needs to be held accountable!


    Case in point, now we have other members bitching about each other because of this failure. Really, someone with half a brain tell me why this is necessary...


    Oh wait I know "The Internet is serious business" :rolleyes:

  3. Honestly threads like this need to be deleted. It's not CR's job or the members of CR to mediate people who can’t get along. This isn’t a relationship site and it’s not a counseling session. Why leave this shit up? Nothing good ever comes of these stupid threads. The issues are between Rob and Linn and that’s where they need to stay until it’s resolved. Shit like this is not only pointless but it adds fuel to the fire and makes everyone look fucking stupid. “Ooo, This will be EPIC” “this is gonna get good” “In on page one”. Really, you all don’t have better shit to do other then instigate a fight between people you probably don’t even know!?
  4. Okay, so lets celebrate CR's 3000 days of being awesome! It’s really just an excuse to get out and have a drink or just shoot the shit with each other. Maybe some of the “OG” members can come out and meet the people from “after 05”. :p



    So lets do it! Come on out...

    Saturday Jan, 23 at 8:30-9:00pm

    The Claddagh Irish Pub 8745 Sancus blvd, Columbus, OH

  5. Chuck man, I tried to save you and ask about your car (pics, times etc) But the fact that you started trash talking at 5:00pm and it's now 9:30pm leaves me to believe you're just some lame as 32 year old trying to live his “Glory Days” of being a hard ass through the internet. You could have just takin the BS with a grain of salt, instead you chose to stick around and be cool for 4 hours… On a site you don’t really wanna be on. Hummm, well good luck.
  6. I'd just check the property line and maybe give the neighbors a heads up so they don't complain. I’ve heard that now you’re required to get a permit for any type of construction on your property like a deck, shed, garage, expansion, etc… If there is a permit you need I'd say fuck it and just do it anyway. It's better to ask for forgiveness then permission in some cases. ;)
  7. I know a guy with a ring down on 3rd st. he's in the old elementary school that got turned into art studios.


    i've been tryin to find the money to join, he's a BJJ black belt and I want to get actual formal training.


    Apparently he's gonna host some amateur fights soon, some of his fighters vs. another ring's. Maybe I'll see if he'd do a CR discount if a bunch of us sign up to do some lessons/memberships.


    I could get us ring at my gym, in fact I've already spoken to my trainer about it and anyone who wants formal training can get it there too. You won't believe how many people talk about wanting to do it, but never come through.



    And before anyone says "Boxing is dead, MMA fighters are much better athletes!" do me a favor and get in the ring and box for 5 rounds. I guarantee that you'll walk away with different point of view.

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