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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Matt, look up ethanol water absorption. We have enough problems with plain E10, and you wouldn't have enough of a gain to warrant the hassle of finding the fuel. Stick with a 90 pump motor.


    X2. What would the advantage be to switching to E-85? Can't be the power and you use almost 2x as much E-85 so the savings in price per gallon is a wash...

  2. Who RAPED his mother...Damn, that right there is some FUCKED up shit.


    Yeah as soon as she told me she was raped I would have probably given up on finding out who he was.

  3. PS - I have this. I will see about getting a set burning for you...




    I have been boxing for almost 20 years and P90 is awesome for it. Bring me 2 blank DVD's and I will burn it for you with the Ab ripper X for a 6 of Sam Adams.



    Awesome! So where do you guys live? I guess it will comes down to who's closest if the offers are still good. I'll bring some CD's for compensation.

  4. Who gives a fuck when people put up their tree or christmas lights or when the stores start advertising. Is it wrong for people to look forward to something? Christmas or "the Holiday Season" means different things to different people so let them do their thing and you do yours...
  5. So does anyone have the P90x work out dvds that they want to burn for me? Name a fair price and let me know. I want to do something in addition to boxing and people seem to love the P90X workouts.
  6. Well from what I read I think most would agree with the "Accountability" statement. May it be schools, banks, Hockey teams or parents! If you’re responsible for a team, child, money or anything else take accountability for it! What gets me is that everyone wants to pass the buck and put blame every where else. My question to all of that is what are YOU doing? If everyone just did what the hell they were suppose to and took care of their own shit the world would be a better place. Unfortunately that’s not how it works. You have to bitch & complain and scar people into believing you. It seems to be who ever can wine and cry about something the loudest gets the help. Maybe if people had to deal with their fuck ups (like loosing a hockey team, your big CEO job or your children) then they would think twice about what they do in the first place. Why keep giving them help and a way to fail…
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