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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~metal/smile.jpg
















  2. great another kitchen thread about me...lets see where this goes...


    i hate that asshole. always working and shit. and his $2 a hour labor rate. over posting, always willing to help people..i mean really, wtf is wrong with that guy? going out of his way for other poeple...who the fuck does he think he is....


    See what I mean, this man is ON IT!!! Smart, cuz he always helps and an ass becasue of his good humor. :thumbup:

  3. Okay, I’ll post up a members username and then everyone reply with the first thing they think of about that member. Once that person gets old someone just post up another… Or hell even your own. Just so we can see what everyone’s impression is of you. (Sorry, I’m bored as fuck, the Penguins game isn’t broadcasted in HD tonight :( )





    I think smart ass. (but in a good way)

  4. So they are against hugging because it leads to fucking? WTF?


    Hugs are a get way drung to bad things. It first starts as a hug, then a kiss and before you know it your balls deep in someones ass, god don't like that...


    And FWIW, I made it 29 seconds, right after they said "Ruff Rider" and I realized that this was a serious song (to them).

  5. I can not believe marcus ( the darkness) jones got eatin up like he did in his semi fight..


    Then he says he never wants to fight again??? WTF dickhead you said you wanted to fight for the rest of your life and you loved it now after your first loss you say you never want to do it again.. suck it up



    Side note I want country to win to prove dana wrong but I think he will not win the finally...


    we shall see.. anyone want to get a group together and watch it at b-dubs or somewhere saturday?


    Fighting is extremely tuff mentally. I think there's something very primitive and humbling about getting your ass kicked. But I'm with you, get over it

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