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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. im sure he didnt put mikes business phone number in his ad tho :gtfo:


    Why would anyone do that!? Especially becasue of an internet fued. Not to menton if a person had a criminal backround or pending issues. That would just be stupid... Glad that hasn't hapened to anyone.

  2. So this really started over a Sarah Palin comment. Shit son! That really is serious business! Now there are lawyers and CL ads…


    Oh and for the record your lawyers must be just as bright as you if you honestly called them and they got involved in this bullshit. I’d hope they have better things to do, but I guess not.

  3. The last time you plugged my keyhole with your love (no homo) I had to have my keyhole surgically reconstructed using the grafted pieces of my broken heart that were leftover from when I didn't get breakfast afterword.



    Long sentence, long sentence, no homo ... aaaaaand we're done.


    Sounds like the last time I buttfucked a man (no homo). He was all butthurt (no pun intended) about me not cuddling after, fucking queers...

  4. I would not be an immediate swap. The way I am building my new engine is with plans of a blower in the near future. Not this year, but probably next.


    I really don't know much about it, that's why I was seeing if it was even possible before looking into it further.


    Plus, its not hard for me to find. A station has it that's less than 2 miles from me.


    Thanks for the advice guys. At least I know it is possible and now can look alot more into it.


    Gotch ya! Well here is some basic info on E-85. http://www.eco-flex.us/pages/E85_facts.htm I was looking at it as an option for my GTP, but never got around to it.... You probably know most of it already but if you're serious about the S/C swap and E-85 the more you know the better I guess. Good luck and have fun!

  5. You only use about 10% more, but its equivalent to 105-110oct for less than the price of 89oct per gallon.


    e85 is the cat's meow


    It is not 2x as much its more like 33% more.



    Okay so not twice as much, but still more then enough to off set the price savings. And as for the oct. how does that help on a N/A application. Pick up a few extra HP by advancing the timing maybe... I don't know. I'm not knocking the idea, I just don't see the point of all that time and effort for not that much gain. But good luck either way, if it's what you want then go for it!

  6. i heard about this, makes me want to punch the doctors involved.


    You can't you're paralyzed remember! :rolleyes:



    And yeah that would suck. Because you know his parents sat in there and talked to him. Imagine what he must have heard, we love you, we miss you. Maybe they confessed shit to him, who knows 23 years is a long ass time. What the doctors must have talked about in front of him, not knowing that he could hear it all. I mean, WOW… Then think about the conversations on whether or not to pull the plug. “Oh he can’t hear us doc, I don’t want my child to go through that, lets just end it”… That’s some crazy shit.

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