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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. Awesome! I told my G/F to listen to it from the other room and she said "That sounds nice… and it’s turboed, what kind of car?". :eek: She was actually able to appreciate a car, and make out the sound of a turbo. And the whole time I thought she just blocked me out when I ramble about cars. Ha!
  2. You can try to impale me

    but that damn thing wont fit

    Talking about bulls and ass

    makes the above quote straight bullshit





    In my rearview all your car does is fade

    you remind me of something that bleeds for 7 days

    you dont run CR, its me super_gtp in this bitch

    So stop being a thread souljah

    just watch over shoulder cus I'm comin' for you Beeiootch.

  3. How often do they come and inspect? Just take it out during inspections.


    This, it's the same thing I did with my cat when I had an apartment and maintains would come. One time they called and said they need to replace something in the furnace that was an issues & they'd be over in 5 minutes. I put the cat in the trunk of my car for an hour.

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  4. LOL, I forgot my no homo tag on that post!


    Sounds like Steve (Killjoy) has more space if you need a place to store it. But let me know if you need help anyway. I'm poor so my freezer is empty until I get my food stamps :p


    Are you coming on to me... :confused:

  5. I'm around the corner if you need a place to store your meat for a day or two




    Edit: Actually my mom has a spare fridge. Let me get the measurements on it (if you are looking for a used one for the time being)


    Brian’s great at storing meat, he stored mine one evening when my "Fridge went out ;) "

  6. This will be my 9th stright day going to the gym for at least an hour. I really want to see 185 on the scale. That and on December 5th I've got a fight and want to fuckin kill someone. Got to be ready to knock someone out! Last fight my aponent limped away with 2 broken ribs http://mjforum.flashzone.net/forum/images/smilies/boxing.gif
  7. That's some bullshit. People can't respect the fact that a loved one died. Instead they want to try and turn a buck off of someone's loss.... Damn, I'd call them up and bitch em out. If nothing else it would make you feel good to really tear into someone.
  8. He just sounds stupid like he wants to fit in but he doesn't know how. Call him on his BS and tell him to stop lying about shit. There's no shame in learining and it's not like most people start off with an 11, 10 second car.
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