I know it's not a bike shop but I wanted to give it a review since a few of you could probably use it at some point. Any ways my droid hasn't been charging thanks to the connector going bad. Go figure my mom canceled my insurance 2 weeks ago and my upgrade isn't due until the end of July. I don't really feel like paying for a new phone when mine works just fine, just has issues charging. I took it in to CPR on high and 8th (osu campus Columbus) they said that they could replace the connector and get it working for $50 or it would be free. $50 sounds a lot better than $300 so I dropped it off and went to class. Sadly they weren't able to fix it ( I am really hard on my phones) but they didn't lie when they said it would be free for what they tried:bow:. If my phone ever breaks again I will try them once more. They can also do screen repairs, iPod battery replacement, along with several other small electronic repairs. So if you guys drop your phone at a track day or take it on a drunken swim in the pool I suggest taking it to them before calling it a total loss.