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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. I'm broke because I fly planes. Once I get all my license then I can get paid to fly.
  2. Still wish i wasnt broke bump
  3. Do a fishing charter at lake Erie
  4. does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth. that is the worst excuse I have ever heard.
  5. Nnnnnnnnooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I don't see how, you don't have that far to fall
  7. my first impression...... Who the fuck is in my house
  8. Go to google maps start point Japan end point China hit get directions go to number 42
  9. I normally don't get off work untill 130, I will see if I can take an hour of vacation to help pay respects.
  10. this thread went from funny to really fucked up I like you people:cheers:
  11. I did a 4.1 hour xc to LAN
  12. Shhhhhh you were suppose to keep the dirty talk confined to the PM'S
  13. Sorry for your loss guys.RIP rider
  14. And some people shouldn't repost links
  15. Obviously you didn't see my comment about your fishing skills other wise this wouldn't have been as nice as it was.
  16. I am so glad our resident tomato picker posted this
  17. I was suppose to do a cross country flight down to KY but all the damn ramp space is taken up so I cant go
  18. i'm still working on playing nice with other kids and staying inside the lines
  19. from crayola's web site... Cleaning Materials Dull knife or metal spoon WD-40® (car part lubricant) Cotton balls Liquid dish soap Rubbing alcohol Soft cloth or sponge Stain Removal Tips Scrape off excess Silly Putty with a dull-edge knife or metal spoon. Spray with WD-40 and let stand a few minutes. Scrape excess Silly Putty with dull-edge knife or metal spoon. Respray with WD-40 and wipe off stain with cotton balls. If any stain remains, saturate a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol, blot the stain and rinse. Wipe any remaining residue or remaining stain with a damp sponge or cloth moistened with liquid dish soap. Wash garment per the manufacturer’s direction. http://www.crayola.com/canwehelp/staintips/index.cfm
  20. you could always just get a new shell for it
  21. if your fishing is anything like your hunting you might as well not waste your money. pleas don't hurt me
  22. ordering new tires friday, once those are on I will out terrorizing the neighborhood
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