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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. ... lost in your own house, where would you be hiding? I came home the other night and set my keys some where and now they are missing. It is driving me nuts! I have spares to everything that was on there but it is more of an issue of my sanity at this point.
  2. Reminds me of this sweet little old granny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooUubWoAOLU
  3. I am good for 11:20-12:20. It took me less than 10 min to get to work bu I wouldn't want to push it.
  4. Any one ever notice the us kind of looks like a shark
  5. Soooooooo f'ing cute!! Congrats
  6. check out Hand me down dobes of columbus. I use to foster for them and my parents kept one of them. Jbot......
  7. pretty sure we are just eating, pm me if you plan on meeting me early, I really don't want to sit and eat by myself
  8. any one want to meet me at 1145? I have to be at work at 1230 so noon is cutting it alittle close.
  9. weather looks nice right now. I have the bike back but wont get off work until 9 I think I am done for the year
  10. do we all lose rep points for looking at some dudes balls
  11. It is my first bike and I knew I was going to drop it. Only problem is that the owners before me dropped it alot as well and bondo only last so long. She might be more beaten than a red headed step child but I love her like my own
  12. if your man toy can't make it or doesn't want to go I would be willing to split a room with you
  13. Ew no. They are owned by Jack in the box
  14. art you are going to need alot of plastic sheeting to protect all that gear from the rain that fallows you every where
  15. i don't know about the bike but I want to be apart of "team Awesome"
  16. I'm drunk at a bar with my gay room mate, don't judge me for being desperate
  17. Wrong I read it.....mmmmmmmmm beer!
  18. damn dude your bike looks worse than mine and thats saying something
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