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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. suck my hypothetical left nut
  2. aww i feel special, your my friend now *tear*

  3. no body cares about your schedule or if you show up you could always stay at home and I will ride your bike for you
  4. so any one else drinking right now? I have a 6 page take home paper/final I have to do and I want to kill me self..... hello beer glass full of wine
  5. I will be driving one of the buses down to finish point saturday.
  6. welcome! Ignore all the haters on the web site, they just like to bust each others balls
  7. and the ohio union can help with the design and licensing if you want any thing licensed as part of the logo. You can send Adam ( i think that his name ) an e-mail and he will be able to direct you to the right person.
  8. What can I say, I'm loved!

  9. I heart Putin ! This trip is still a LOOONNNGGG ways away. I leave next friday for my second Europe trip of the year and I want to do a motorcycle tour of Ireland before I hit 25
  10. No, Danbury, about an hour west of Cleveland @ Mj - October work for me
  11. I own 5 guns but knowing my luck they would call the cops on me for threatening them with a deadly weapon
  12. hahaha probably, he just sends me a ton of e-mails and lectures a lot.
  13. I am all for a little justice but fucking ew. Seriously?!?! I am a girl and i think that is fucking gross. Besides, it leaves DNA evidence if something else were to happen
  14. You better be providing more than a damn kitchen
  15. If you paid for the gas i would ride it out there for you. I have a buddy in Phoenix I could stay with and I have some nice airline perks
  16. I do ride her a little rough
  17. seeing as how they wouldn't listen to my other neighbor when they asked to keep the spot in front of their house free for there disabled kid I don't think they are the level headed reasonable thinking type I will leave a note saying if it happens again we will have issues. Positive, the spot I park in only gets sun for an hour or two a day. When I was woken up by the dogs that live behind me at 630 am the bike was still upright and the car was still parked there.
  18. there is a map explaining it http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=63987&page=7
  19. we do 7pm at the old Circuit city across the street by polaris and then ride over to QSL together
  20. true but I would still like to see St. Petersburg and Moscow and some point in my life
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