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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. welcome! Good choice in taking the MSF. Hope you enjoy riding and the site!
  2. PM Attack Painter, he is a god when it comes to painting bikes. No need to buy new plastics
  3. I wish I could. I will be on the trip with my family and they have no clue about my bike and would kill me if they ever found out
  4. they always have prizes for the best looking bike but what about us with shitty bikes held together by zip ties
  5. I am going on another trip at the end of August and I was wondering if any one had been and had a few travel trips: Must sees, not worth my time, off the beaten track fun stuff. I know I wont have enough time to do every thing I want so I was just seeing what other people's opinions are. I can read a damn website so don't suggest that.
  6. Welcome! Come out to a bike night some time and say hi. there is definitely plenty of us in the area.
  7. :nono:There were many man cards lost tonight.....
  8. Lol this place isn't exactly an up scale joint. There was 15 of us in a 12 passenger van wasted and looking for a place to drink so at 2 am we went and got a few cases and headed to the strip club. Non of the girls had fake tits and all of them had c-section scares and tattoos. My one buddy got in a fight with a stripper because she wouldn't perform the lap dance that he paid for.
  9. were you at private dancer in columbus?!? first and only strip club i ever went to and not a damn one had a pair, very disappointed
  10. any chance you would do the hood of a 97' ram in the stock forest green looking color? my baby could use some TLC after sitting in the Texas sun for several years
  11. About as much as a yeast infection, you smell weird and you're irritating
  12. Looks great! Hope you can bring it out to a bike night soon
  13. your partial to them because you have the same bike and same genitalia
  14. you guys will probably want to cage it up. Looks like we are going to get some weather.
  15. can some one explain this...i have a feeling it is going to be entertaining
  16. what time is every one heading up?
  17. yeah zach is a :snarky:and trying to win the $25 gift card by getting a bunch of referrals
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