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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. I have posted pics of my in the what you look like thread and I'm pretty sure there are drunk pics of me from one of the IMS after parties
  2. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    No I think you are just stalking me at the bar
  3. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    Ps they are opening a world of beer in lakewood
  4. No I go out for event so people who come know what I look like we usually just end up to drunk to remember pictures
  5. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    I would be blowing this thread up if I took pictures of all of these
  6. Glad to hear it sorry we made you stay and drink water but you had a lot of midget Todd's goat piss
  7. Pauly I'm glad you made the trip down. Hopefully lynz doesn't still think we are a bunch of drunk assholes. Shawn thanks for hosting this shindig. I will drink with your uncle again any day that man knows his beer. John- I honestly don't know what I said to offend you so much but I apologize. It was all ment to be in good fun and we were all getting and giving each other a hard time. If it came off as malicious or personal I didn't mean for it to be.
  8. Holy shit a bunch of OR members grew vaginas tonight!!! So when are we all going to sync up and go watch twilight together !!?!
  9. Let me know if you are coming for sure I will pick up good beer from world of beer
  10. In before the leg humpers make a "being able to spread her legs the wide to ride" comment
  11. I just need to win that triumph so I have a bike to ride for this
  12. We have had issues with the one in Columbus being dicks to us when we were doing bike nights there. Needless to say I don't care to go back there.
  13. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    I am usually there after work so it is pretty dead. Sundays and Mondays is half off all drafts for service industry people and Tuesdays is 25% off for loyalty card members and then Thursday is lady's night with half off certain drafts and half off all wine. Other wise yes it is over priced and full of want a be's
  14. I'll let you guys guess which one was me
  15. Or do it as gift or $1 especially if it goes to me dude give chicks bikes all the time. Payment for my ticket is going out in the mail tomorrow.
  16. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    World of beer has the northern teir bream brûlée stout in tap right now mmmmmmmm beer
  17. I am now spending more on beer than food. Stupid world of beer had to open right by my work.
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