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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. If it can't hit the back it's your problem if it can't hit the sides it's her problem Or send me pics and I can verify
  2. They have sex with me then it shrivels up and dies, be afraid be very afraid
  3. Does this mean there is a spot in a cabin open!?
  4. I help the pointer rescue organization from time to time. Can anyone pick up a dog from osu airport around noon Friday and hold on to it for 3-4 hours until the next transport person gets off work ? I can give you all the contact info and they really appreciate it.
  5. gen3flygirl

    bbc in us?

    Don't mind me, my mind is always in the gutter. Plus it's black history month.
  6. gen3flygirl

    bbc in us?

    This is not what I thought this thread would be about
  7. I might go just to see the guy that plays opie
  8. My dumb ass decided it was a good idea to take my motorcycle downtown to go to a bar since parking is a bitch down there. Since I was in a "I want peni" mood I wore heels and a dress. My oh shit moment came when I left the bar and was trying to take 4th north but it was under construction so it put me on 670 to 71. My very cold very exposed ass was very puckered.
  9. Pauly is promising me rides on his scooter while I make real motorcycle noises aka I make my own Mach retard speed
  10. ....before he kills himself http://www.examiner.com/article/woman-demands-men-perform-oral-sex-while-threatening-them-with-a-butcher-knife
  11. http://www.sexapalooza.ca/shows/columbus_2013 I'm thinking about it
  12. I don't have anything planned just yet. Still need to get a job :/
  13. Haha. Fuck you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0kqobQRcUo&sns=em
  14. I have garage space for it
  15. We need to drink together soon

  16. What time are y'all planning on heading out there?
  17. Seriously?! I want to go !!! I just got back into diving after not doing it for 4 years.
  18. That's crazy considering those were always sold out
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