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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. It doesn't have a bunch of red neck whore monger puppy killing ass hats for you to hang out with.
  2. I say we ban assault testicels because clearly they are threat to the public
  3. I thought there were one or two Netjets guys floating around. Any reason you are going for just your sport and not full private? Where are you flying out of?
  4. Having a bike to ride on buckeye lake will make you memorable
  5. Fuck it I will throw in for gas money to do a few laps
  6. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    Holding strong at 3 but people behind me are catching up quick
  7. No, I can't spell Heading there now
  8. I know it's kind of last minute but does anyone want to go to wolrd of beer tonight and dink?
  9. Okay I'm here in the room to the left. It's a little cubby hole so we shouldn't get in too much trouble.
  10. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    My kill I will be at the Easton one tonight for ladies night. Go figure I just get back from Hawaii and one of the ladies specials is a Hawaiian beer
  11. This is a close second though
  12. This beast ... You didn't say it had to be real
  13. My mother can't drive to safe her life on a normal road let alone one that is curvy and hilly. She about had a panic attack when the guard rails ended. I would have loved to do the road to Hana but we were in a dodge caravan that now has warped rotors.
  14. Depends on what you want to do when you retire. You will still have taxes and all that shit to anticipate inflation rates. I would say closer to a mil. Just to be safe. Pre plan your funeral and get those cost out of the way.
  15. Of course. The road up to mount Haleakala is amazing and so is Hana. I want to get a dirt bike or super moto to ride it. The problem with the drive up my Haleakala is there arnt a ton of gard rails and the mountain drops straight off the side of the road, one wrong turn and you're done for.
  16. I have actually looked into housing and jobs.....
  17. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    For the most part we know each other but we usually have other people we drink with. There have been a few times that a couple of us have gone in alone and end up drinking together. I just find it funny when men try to hit in me thinking I know nothing about beer and end up looking like asses.
  18. Dear lord I do not want to leave!!! If you go up the mountain to see the crater stop off at a place called kula cafe and lodge.
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