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TSB67 last won the day on January 12 2013

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  1. Front sprocket 40 Rear sprocket 47 Rear axle 69 ft-lbs from the factory service manual
  2. That shit is terrible. I did a dirt bike chain with that out in AZ this winter. It sat in a 95+F garage for two weeks and still never dried. What a mess. I recommend Honda red label HP Chain Lube (*not* the blue label with White Graphite). I put that shit of everything - street, dirt, kart. When I lube a chain I try to inject into every side plate and roller. Unless I'm feeling lazy and the chain is dry as a bone, then I'll do it the hillbilly way and just spray the chain while spinning the wheel.
  3. Be sure to turn on the captions.
  4. TSB67

    DMG out

  5. Mounting that on a motorcycle valve stem seems like a terrible idea. Somebody do the math on how much force 29g in that location would exert at 150mph.
  6. Really? Please tell me more about this failure mode.
  7. I'll tell you one thing for sure - that notarized bill of sale cannot be from an Ohio resident. They will insist another Ohio resident titles the bike before selling it. Basically, suckers who buy bikes without titles in Ohio get stuck with them until they find another sucker to dump it on.
  8. I have very similar (old) hardware to you and the exact same problems. I'm pretty sure it's the hardware's inability to keep up with the video processing. If I use my work laptop or phone I have no issues. I agree it "didn't always seem to be this crappy," but I have no idea what may have changed with either the quality or compression these days. Of course, IANACN, so if anyone *is* a computer nerd and has a quick fix, that would be great. I just assume I need to buy something newer.
  9. Same channel new name. FoxSports1 was Speed, FoxSports2 was Fuel.
  10. From your first post I got the impression that you wanted to pay less than $200. I skimmed the rest of the thread to see if there was actually anyone willing to do that.
  11. Completely random observation from someone who knows nothing about website design or DJing. You think $200 is too expensive for website work. You think $250 is too cheap for DJ work. That is all.
  12. Sounded to me like, "Show me your hands motherfucker OR you're going to die." Video not really worth watching.
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