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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. I'm originally from down in that area, but I got the hell out. My ex wife is still in Greenfield/Chillicothe
  2. Also, will someone be at QSL tomorrow night (Wednesday, lol) that could bring me a coupe of stickers for my bike? white ones, please.
  3. I hope it works out for you. My experience has been until the cash is in my hand, and the thing I'm selling is GONE, it's not sold. Apparently, a person's word just doesn't mean much to a lot of people, anymore.
  4. Exactly the same thing that happens if you get a ticket with your regular license. Temps just restrict you to daylight hours, helmet, and no passengers. Beyond that, not any different. So... What'd ya do?
  5. I"m not going through all 12 pages, but I just wanted to say that I love my Droid Eris. It's far superior to the blackberry curve I had that I thought was the shit.
  6. Hmm... I dated a girl a long time ago who also lived in Londonderry. It's a small enough podunk town that they probably knew each other. lol.
  7. OK, I'll do this. '04 Honda CBR 600rr likes: It's light even stock exhaust setup sounds good if you by it used, and the previous owner was a riTard, replacement OEM parts are relatively easy to find. smaller, but will blow the wheels off my other bike. dislikes: uncomfortable as hell lightness makes it a little twitchy in high wind skanky chicks ask for rides, not hot, skanky chicks, just skanky. At least in my experience. '06 Harley Davidson Sportster 883 custom likes: it's comfortable. If I could fit the Mustang seat on the CBR, I'd do it. Reliable-contrary to popular sportbike mythology, it doesn't break down every few miles. Nothing sounds like a Harley. Love it or hate it, it's distinctive. dislikes: NOTHING is cheap on or for these things. Nothing. 2006, and it still has a manual choke? chrome sucks. That is all.
  8. Sorry to hear that. We had to put my golden down for the same reason. It's been five years, and it still sucks to find pictures of her. Last summer, my parents had to have a tree dug up in their back yard, and they found a few kongs, and five of those bones that petsmart sells. Real bone, with some kinda junk stuffing. She used to eat the stuffing, then bury the bone while pooping. (Please, no "burying the bone" comments. We're talking about my deceased dog here.) It's a very difficult part of life.
  9. My tires were armor-alled on my cbr when I bought it. I'll say I was glad I got the shit off before riding in the rain last night.
  10. Lol. I hope, too. It's in my phone calendar, so I'll get a reminder.
  11. I'd go, but I'd probably show up on the wrong day. Lol
  12. Not that anyone would ever want to take this boring ride, but Center Pizza in Washington Court House has the best pizza ever. Scratch that, they don't even have tables, it's all strictly carryout.
  13. Not that I think this was an excusable defense, but I read this thread and wonder how many of you can honestly say you've never sent or read a text while driving your cage, always pull off the road to make or take a phone call, and drive with your hands at 10 and 2, radio off, and absolutely no conversation with or amongst your passengers. I don't have any proof, but I'm guessing it'd be somewhere in the vicinity of 0-zero. It sucks that this happened, and there should definitely be some repercussions, since there was a life taken. I'm sure this woman feels worse than any of you about this, though.
  14. I'm faster in the twisties on my bicycle than I am on my bike.
  15. I"m a couple years off, or I'd be good with this.
  16. Hey! I'm not the only one who was confused. I'm just the only one who showed up the wrong day and admitted to it. I get integrity points for that. As for the waving rules, I just don't.
  17. I'm not quite appreciative, though. I'm glad she didn't bark, though. As for the farting, English bulldogs are well known for their gassy asses.
  18. I got caught in that rain riding home from Polaris. It sucked.
  19. Well I'm back home. Wrong night, and I rode home in the rain. Good fun. I'm a true noob, now. Lol.
  20. So, why did I think this was tonight? I'm sitting here, and no bikes. Lol. Oops. I'm getting a drink, if anybody is close by.
  21. This redrocket name is gonna not work too well. I'll have to make my niece sad and get it changed. Lol.
  22. You're right. I should get a pair or five of riding jeans, or textiles. Soon, soon, soon.
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