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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. Well, dang... You were right. I didn't notice, but we will be going through the cursed land of Coshocton...
  2. When I read this, I thought you meant there was one PARKED on the sidewalk. I clicked it cuz I parked mine on my sidewalk once. I thought about washing it, but changed my mind. Riding is entirely different.
  3. Lol. I've got every other kind of tool needed for a house, plus several one use wonders. (How often am I really gonna need a pry bar?) A hammer just somehow never ended up here.
  4. Alright, fine. Seve Jobs is probably monitoring this thread right now. He knows what some I have playing on my ipod right now, know the answer to the question, "WTF was Apple thinking by only selling the iPhone through AT&T", but I love my Droid even more, anyway. and he knows I think the iPad is a dumb idea, but I still secretly want one.
  5. If he doesn't need, do you have a hammer? Free, or not free, doesn't matter to me. I just don't own one, sadly.
  6. lol. By gray market, I mean I paid with cash, and gave them my junk email address, not my real one. Of course, I have itunes, which is connected, so maybe you're right...
  7. Lucky for me, all my Apple crap was bought on the gray market, and Steve jobs doesn't know who I am, or that I have this stuff.
  8. Ok. Glad that thing didn't fall off and get stuck in a wheel while I was on 270. That would have hurt. Now, I've just got to figure out where it goes.
  9. What is this, and what's it for? Is it important? I just got home tonight, and this was hanging down. Went to tuck it under, and it came off. What is it?
  10. My mad skills have convinced my gf to ride on the back of the bike with me. So we'll both be there.
  11. I took the msf class on a Buell Blast. Fun bike.
  12. I didn't get a free t-shirt today.
  13. Thanks for the help. I ended up with the Continentals. Huge difference between the old baldies I had on there.
  14. I still couldn't afford that settlement. lol. Maybe if I sold my house...
  15. I don't know you, but glad you're alright, even if you're down by one hand.
  16. I'd be up for it, but at the moment, all I could do would be trade, and that's not gonna help your situation. GL, though.
  17. You can pass through the doors without being attacked by a swarm of angry midget bodybuilder bouncers. There might be other stuff, but that's the only thing I know for sure.
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