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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. send me pics, i might have a guy in c-bus that would either buy it, or get it sold for you. he's a detailer by trade so he could low ball the shit out of you, or he'd charge you for a detail and then ask for a commission on the saleor something. he has sold a ton of honda's mostly older preludes. he is in clintonville btw.
  2. headlights are weird for me, they either have the right look or they are off. there is like no middle ground for me. if they aren't the right height they are too far forward.... yada yada yada i'm weird i know.
  3. while riding people would come up alongside me on 480 and i kept thinking, "must be checkin out my sweet bike heh" then it would dawn on me, no jackass they wonder why you have a half pound of painters tape on your bucket.
  4. a bike is like a gift and a curse. you ride knowing full well what can happen, but the joy of riding outweighs the inherent dangers. i hope she has a full recovery from this tragic accident, my prayers are with her. i hope i never have to see a friend down, i'm not sure how i'd ride again. like i said, thoughts and prayers go out to you, her, and her family.
  5. can you use some universal brackets from something like those aztec 8's? they form mount if i remember correctly.
  6. i ride with one earbud in. typically on the exhaust side of the bike. i feel like it drowns out the drone, and i can still hear fine with the other ear.
  7. headlight looks a tad high to me, but overall its coming together nicely!
  8. i use spray detailer.. its slick and smells good. not to mention it keeps from getting those hairline scratches.
  9. probably could have gone without the tape as the visor stays put when closed. with the tape i could crack it to get my sunglasses on.
  10. thats cool, and it would be sweet to have an extra set. i just made an account with them before i made the thread. i'm waiting to hear back from them
  11. i know the way to change em' i've done it a million times. just so happens that this time it didn't go smoothly. they really need to get a better design. i'm going to order 2 sets i think just to be safe. after that i'll just by the tinted smoke ones that are flying around fleabay
  12. ~40 bucks to get the right ones. 32 or so to get plain ones. i emailed arai and told em it popped off and i'm waiting to hear back. some people have said that theirs were replaced under warranty.
  13. blue painters tape, or what i call it, 85mph tape. since my bike is slow...waka waka waka
  14. just warmed up the bike, went to switch out to my tinted visor and then it happened. big ol' cracking sound then the side pod cover popped off. so i rocked it like this until i can get a new one.
  15. Just voted again, and the shovelhead is less than 50 away. We need to get back at it folks.
  16. i'm going to go out on a limb here and state i won't be present. based on the beverage i have remaining and the current time i know its not happening..
  17. that guy with the shovelhead is a dick. if you are in a Motorcycle contest, and your competition is in a wheel chair and you are not you fail. no way that his votes are "just happening"
  18. scratch that... 12% ugh...... why did i buy this shit
  19. i'm 4loko'd up here. this shit is nasty. it tastes like cough syrup, but its 10% so maybe it is?
  20. if i can get up early enough i'm gonna head that way. i grew up in a town called east palestine thats not far from lisbon. i was going to head back that way to see an old friend, but i'm not sure i was going to leave that early.
  21. behold the power of the ohio riders forum and its members. i sure hope brian wins with all the good that is going on around here.
  22. http://techcrunch.com/2009/04/27/time-magazine-throws-up-its-hands-as-it-gets-pwned-by-4chan/
  23. when they altered that time magazine 100 most influential people poll it was pretty epic
  24. Jbot, I posted the link on one of the largest message boards on the planet. There is probably 1000 users on at a time.
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