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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. Cuyahoga falls I think. I'll give better clues when I log on later
  2. Tons of fucking runners... Looked at me like WTF?
  3. you might see a hawk or two at the track, but parts would be surprising. hope you find something more suited to your needs.
  4. harder to find parts for... i prefer to call it vintage parts fun.
  5. welp my bike is neither.. edit: i have some parts that came off of a fuel injected bike.
  6. do you have an age limit for this bike?
  7. rick roush had a set of thick teknic gloves super cheap btw.
  8. i think it stops the air yes, but also creates another layer. i know when i'm working on the bike and i wear them my hands get sweaty. who knows.... might be worth a shot.
  9. i might head out tomorrow depending on how my afternoon goes.
  10. someone told me to throw on a set of latex gloves under your regular gloves to help with the colder weather.
  11. i want one of these mofo's http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_766337_-1_757776_757751_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y
  12. Performance center smith and seasons can be had with an 8 shot cylinder. I currently have a 686 plus - 7 shot and I love it.
  13. i wouldn't know what to do with myself if i had a windshield. if you want to talk buffeting i got it covered.
  14. i thought i told you to keep the miles off the VFR.
  15. ok, i must be an idiot. i can't figure out where the link is to buy tickets. i've clicked on thelegacybike.com link but still can't figure it out.
  16. team awesome is now taking membership requests
  17. looks great hob, but i'd put some button head cap screws into the holes left open towards the top of the cylinders, and also some nice stainless ones on the skull. looks store bought, if not better. great idea with the skull.
  18. i might head back to my hometown saturday, if so i could meet up with you guys on RT 51 at the ohio/PA border.
  19. i got a nagant with a couple hundred rounds of milsurp for it. probably wouldn't be able to find the varmit after you shot it though.... just a fine red mist.
  20. i never met the guy, but i hope to make it out for the ride.
  21. I'm assuming you've already tried google?
  22. thats just a jacked up bearing cap correct? nothing really jacked up motor/cam wise?
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