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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. red lines indicate the start and finish so to speak, and the yellow line is the "caution" area
  2. Totally been there before.
  3. Just did a drive by and it didn't appear from the road to be packed.
  4. I will be enjoying my fantastic new hot tub. I'm a fancy man, and I require such things. I shall be prunish and intoxicated by 8 pm. I'll probably be that way for the next few weeks.
  5. i'd be down to turn some wrenches to help get it rolling again.
  6. looks like they both clean up nice.
  7. its going away, i'm saving for a moto mini gauge setup. right now its the only gauge i have thats reliable. haha
  8. yeah, the animated gif's were a bad idea. maybe he can get some wifi in the hospital for some lulz. hope he makes a speedy recovery.
  9. i'll find some funny shit to post for you to take to him.
  10. Good ride fellas, nice to meet you guys. Glad I dragged ass out of bed this a.m. Maybe next time my header wrap won't stink.
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