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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. bought a set of shift vertex gloves a few months ago, and low and behold they already started coming apart. so i email shift(fox racing) and they tell me they have a 1 year manufacturer warranty just take it to the dealer. so i go back to rick roush and the sales guy says he's gonna have to call shift to see what they want to do. i'm standing right in front of him, so i know he wasn't bullshitting me. shift wanted him to wait 3 days to get an rma number, then upon receiving the gloves they would evaluate them then send a replacement in 3-4 weeks! i about shit, i paid over a hundy for these things and they lasted 3 months. now they were trying to tell me i was going to be gloveless for a month while they figure it out. not cool. so the sales guy hangs up and tells me that they will just order a set of gloves to replace mine, then THEY will take care of the return process. so basically if shift tells them they aren't going to replace the gloves rick roush is out the money for the gloves. and he gave me a discount on the price of a new mesh jacket too! 1 week later i got my new gloves. i know its not a big deal, but it went a long way for me to know that they would stand by the customer. alot of places i've been too would have told me to fuck off, sorry about your luck.
  2. haha, you have a hawk at one point?
  3. the problem is i like my hawk, its just not long ride friendly at all. small tank, wrong gearing, low bars.... it looks bitchin though.
  4. i wouldn't know what to do with myself with a fuel gauge, and a clock, and a comfortable riding position, and signal indicators, and more than 40 hp. i'd like to find out though. i swear i'm seriously considering letting the hawk go. i'm not sure i can bring myself to do it though.
  5. i thought you were some homo wanting me to go see twilight or something...
  6. instead of the OR hand signal it went like this.
  7. i wish i had gotten the chance to meet him. R.I.P.
  8. i'm not the best when it comes to grammar and spelling, but fuckin a Trike converstion consists of a fully bolt on, no cutting, hand crafted by Torbleau Trikes, trike convertion. Porsche tires on rims. Coustum painted Rimes and fenders in repsol colors. A wheelie bar added for looks, and orange glow lights added under frame for a orange night glow. All 2 wheel parts are included with purchase, for a mechanicly inclind person to return to purchasing status within a few hours if wanted.
  9. i get off at 6:15, but from where you are you can take rockside down into valley view. i think its about the same ride time. i come home on canal rd, we could meet up somewhere there if you guys wanted to ride. i tend to lose interest in qsl fast after i get there, and end up just riding anyways.
  10. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lincoln+food+mart&sll=41.406955,-81.705193&sspn=0.008836,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=lincoln+food+mart&hnear=&ll=41.414089,-81.707532&spn=0.008835,0.01929&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
  11. i'm game except i'm going to be coming home from work which is the other way. if you guys ride down around canal i could meet you en route. i can make it to quaker steak by 6:45ish.
  12. christmas ale is f'in sweet. xmas in july is days away.. i can't wait, i have my growler ready.
  13. i was referring to the boneyard motor idea. not your truck specifically.
  14. we gotta get together sometime, i love me some craft brew. wish i could have made it out of bed this am. the alarm went off, i looked at it, hit the snooze. when i finally woke up i realized i wouldn't catch up to the 82/83 crew so i decided to go out for a nice cruise through the metro parks. lame by coshocton standards, but nice none the less.
  15. i may or may not be at the 82/83 meet spot tomorrow. later.
  16. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=518949&postcount=96
  17. i'd have to factor in the worth of the car before i'd begin spending anything close to a grand on a gm 4 banger thats just me though.
  18. this... i look at it this way the car was running and driving when it got into the wreck... i've had good luck with boneyard motors.
  19. probably want to check the "central ohio" thread.
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