So it looks like the consensus is no gun mounted, and to go w a shotgun instead. I get the non rail/gun mount arguments. And I hadn't head those arguments before, so good info. On the shotgun points. Im just not sure I can see him and his same aged wife using one. I admit I know nothing about them though. visiting grand kids are an issue. Can a shotgun be as easily utilized as a handgun from a locked safe status? Can they be as easily used in a close quarters, around corners, etc? If he were to go w a shotgun, what would be a good choice for a first time owner? At his age? As a new gun owner years ago, I always heard a .38 spcl for a handgun. I heard the same when asking for him at his age. Is there a "go to" for a shotgun, similar to the .38? NoBama 2012